Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [be] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , the guidelines have been used in other cases as factors to be considered where the statute applies ( see Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd reported by Lawson in ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 933 , at p935 ) .
2 Present day quantitative studies in Lurgan , a small country town south-west of Belfast in the Lagan Valley , confirm the existence of an /a/ system with little backing ( front vowels have been noted in that area even before [ r ] and finally ) , which is quite similar to Patterson 's ( 1860 ) account of Belfast in this respect ( Pitts , 1982 ) .
3 This philosophy , though on a far grander scale , can be observed in practice in such great gardens as Sissinghurst in Kent and Hidcote Manor in Gloucestershire , where similar plants and colour combinations have been placed in walled or hedged parts of the larger garden .
4 A number of small bronze figurines have been found in several locations in southern Britain .
5 A large number of the old lime trees were felled by the gales in October 1987 , but young limes have been placed in those same positions in order to preserve the avenue .
6 The accident records at these schools have been examined in considerable detail by the Departments of Highways and Education and the Police and four areas have been highlighted for further action and detailed investigation .
7 Moreover , other sulphydryl compounds have been implicated in colonic disease since Roediger et al have shown that mercaptoacetate and mercaptobutyrate affect fatty acid metabolism in colonocytes in a manner that is characteristic of the defect found in ulcerative colitis .
8 I have heard it suggested that there is some danger that prospective buyers might be put off by the idea that their units have been used in this way .
9 Bronze scale-pans have been found in Late Minoan tombs in Crete itself .
10 Similar discrepancies between the start sites predicted by S1 mapping and other methods have been noticed in other cases ( see for example reference 21 ) .
11 Some of these methods have been described in previous chapters , which dealt with market research , sales forecasting , analysis of consumer and buyer behaviour and so on .
12 Such chalets have been used in other parts of the country and are also common on the continent .
13 Arbitrage opportunities have been found in all the markets so far tested .
14 Indeed it is possible to circumvent the argument that the cadavers needed for educational purposes involve substantial extra killing since tissue is regularly collected from abattoirs or from research laboratories where the animals have been used in licensed procedures .
15 Firstly the criteria for the mean electorate size for a European parliamentary constituency has previously been used as a justification for ignoring the case for Cornwall , yet concessions have been made in other areas establishing such constituencies that do not meet the size requirement an that 's because it is accepted that European parliamentary constituencies should be created along the lines of natural communities , communities of identity and communities of interest .
16 Our policy on managing foreign exchange has been to minimise our economic exposure to currency movements by financing our operations with US dollar debt , wherever possible , achieving this by currency swaps when funds have been raised in other currencies .
17 These funds have been administered in this way since 1975 .
18 Extrahepatic HBV-DNA sequences have been observed in human autopsy specimens including lymph nodes , spleen , kidney , pancreas , brain , and endocrine tissues .
19 RG and RGGF sequences have been found in several proteins related with nucleolar localization and binding to RNA ( 4 , 5 ) .
20 Since then , several shapes have been introduced in many varied forms of decorative treatments .
21 Analogous responses have been identified in human cells .
22 Raised basal gastrin and exaggerated meal stimulated gastrin responses have been described in infected duodenal ulcer patients .
23 Though fugue is regarded as too tonal a form to be of any use , many other old contrapuntal devices of the Renaissance and Baroque periods have been revived in serial composition , especially canon in its many forms .
24 In such an economy , and also in the earlier phases of primitive agricultural communities , the coast and the larger river valleys provided very rich sources of food for small bands of people ; many Mesolithic sites have been recognised in such areas .
25 However , while receptor sites have been found in higher animals which provide feedback on the quality of the food , such sites have not been found in fish .
26 Disallowed Ramachandran angles associated with active sites have been found in some proteins and are generally believed to have structural and also possible functional roles .
27 Facilities such as schools and health posts have been built in most such villages , but are said to be poorly stocked and staffed .
28 Taking these and studies commissioned by donors in countries where they are the predominant donor into account , it appears that only about ten African aid recipients have been studied in this way .
29 A substantial number of small instrumented areas have been instituted in different parts of the world and physical geographers contributed to the initiation and running of a considerable number of these .
30 All these countries have been affected in one way or another by escalating destruction .
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