Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But that still boils down to the fact that everybody thinks they know how schools work cos they 've been at school themselves .
2 Unsurprisingly , many TEC directors think that they have been badly short-changed .
3 The victims of Stealers forget that they 've been infected .
4 The auctioneers say that they have been assured that a licence will be forthcoming .
5 The delicate fondant decorations look like they have been crafted by an expert , yet they are surprisingly easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions .
6 Tourism has declined during the recession and numerous small businesses protest that they have been hit hard by the uniform business rate .
7 Surprising how dirty things get when you smoke is n't it ?
8 Radiogenic studies indicate that there have been metasomatic enrichment events of comparable antiquity in the mantle .
9 Then came the Hüskers split and what have been rather puzzlingly referred to as ‘ the wilderness years ’ .
10 The verses seem to be saying that the disciples understand because they have been given the secrets of the mystery of the kingdom but everybody else is taught in parables so that it will confuse them and prevent them coming into the kingdom .
11 When children imagine that they have been adopted , the fantasy always involves some romantic idea like being a princess and not the daughter of the local estate agent or whatever the truth may be !
12 Those sorts of things inspired me , and the reason those records sound like they do is because they used that equipment .
13 So Iraq has now formally asked the Turks to shorten the cut-off period but the Turks reply that they have been releasing more water down the river and the Iraquis should have been able to build up stocks .
14 Even without this problem , it should be our objective to advance negotiations , contract drafting and due diligence as far as possible with the preferred bidder before the remaining offerers realise that they have been unsuccessful .
15 Permission to offer switched services is unlikely to be denied , but the resale of International Virtual Network services will present more problems , as US carriers feel that they have been denied reciprocal access to the UK , where interconnect , access-deficit and leased line charges are higher than in the US .
16 We would rather be rich than poor , which even our politicians understand because they prefer being rich too .
17 Perhaps it 's erm some kind of mistake in the way erm cells divide after they 've been fertilized , I do n't know , but this is not true of fraternal twinning .
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