Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The polytechnics support vouchers because they believe that the system will give them parity of resources with the universities by allowing them to compete for students on equal terms .
2 It serves them right for playing a game in which even the winners become losers if they try to repeat their success .
3 Figure 6.5a shows the thin pointed region through which trajectories leave B if they start inside the rectangle ABCD on the top face of B. Combining eqn ( 6.4 ) with ( 6.3 ) we obtain where ( 0 , n* ) is the point on the top face of B where the unstable manifold of the origin returns to the stable manifold of the origin when r = r* .
4 The drivers represent ICI and we rely on them — we have to work together . ’
5 Instead , ducks catch pests before they attack the rice and their manure fertilizes the soil .
6 Many fruits change colour as they reach maturity and this can be a useful indicator , although not in every case : apples will often colour up early if occupied by a burrowing pest , some pear varieties only change colour once in store and marrows are past their best when they turn yellow .
7 In the latter case , however , the commissioners give consideration because they refrain from pursuing the threatened proceedings .
8 Commuters read paperbacks as they sit in trains , but find that they may need to rest from this activity more frequently than when they are reading in a comfortable and well-lit place at home .
9 The successful companies take risks because they have Profitbosses to whom they can delegate , whom they can trust to make " risk-decisions " on their behalf .
10 Most hill-walkers ' wildlife experiences take place as they mow down interesting species caught in the glare of their XR2 's headlights on the way home from a hill .
11 Parents have feelings and they have rights too ( or they should have ! ) .
12 Purchasers seeking clearance and other parties submitting information to the regulatory authorities face prosecution if they supply false or misleading information .
13 I have been dead for a long time and by day I circle the huge air above the hills and by night I sleep in the quiet rock , as quiet as the rock , and the little worms mean consolation as they eat me .
14 As Willie McRae , a prominent Scottish antinuclear campaigner , once remarked with unpleasant directness : ‘ Ye dinnae keep pigs until ye ken where tae pit the shit . ’
15 It has done nothing to encourage banks to reserve against dodgy loans or write them off , for some banks risk insolvency if they do so .
16 ‘ Young Italians follow football like we follow the Royal Family , ’ said commission spokesman David Lewis .
17 But that also means that wild flowers and herbs get cut before they have a chance to flower and propagate .
18 Some things change colour as they grow .
19 Anticipatory and parenthetical structures increase difficulty because they require the reader 's mind to store up syntactic information which it will use later on ( see 7.5.3–4 ) .
20 Managers perform appraisals when they monitor day to day operations , ensure that tasks are completed and help individuals to work better .
21 In some organisations such as the armed forces , rank is a clear expression of authority , and orders gain credibility because they come from someone of higher rank .
22 Whereabouts do they run courses and do you know if any centres provide training while you work ?
23 It is clear that countries with fixed exchange rates and those with flexible exchange rates face difficulties when they experience inflation rates higher than those of their major trading partners .
24 be because leaders want power and they get power and so they want more power .
25 ‘ The teachers get cross and they do n't do anything .
26 So got to continue on there on behaviours recognize people that you see around about recognize to be aggressive , some as assertive some as passive .
27 It 's only when their special tree is threatened that the two girls become friends as they fight to protect it .
28 The shopping malls have windows where you find
29 All languages have systems but they do not all use them for the same purposes ; what is an essential distinction in one language may be quite disregarded in another .
30 ‘ It 's frustrating because clubs play games but I refuse to be drawn into a Dutch auction .
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