Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My father threw his calipers away and went to Charlie Hancock the chemist , who made him up a bottle of oil from an old family recipe .
2 ‘ Did n't you say he had a wife and a couple of kids now and worked in Basingstoke ?
3 I shut my eyes then and went to work .
4 Jenna closed her eyes again and drifted into sleep with a tantalising thought uppermost in her mind .
5 He took a few paces forward and leaned over Willie 's small thin shoulders .
6 Anyway , erm we went to the Ca Polly had n't seen them in the shops anywhere and went to Caerphilly market on Saturday morning and as we were coming from it he said look there 's a shirt you want for Robert there .
7 She peered at the tangle of brambles inside and shook with excitement : there was a perfect spider 's web today .
8 Joe tapped his fingertips together and looked from face to face .
9 The museum man placed his fingertips together and nodded at Davide as he took trouble to explain , and the colour flowed back from Davide 's cheeks and he slipped the coin into his pocket , with its two faces that were neither mirror images of one another , nor replicas , but a false double , an inexact repeat .
10 I missed my grandparents desperately and longed for Pam .
11 He resigned his post at the Infirmary on the grounds of poor health four years later and moved to Aughton near Ormskirk , where he continued to practise surgery .
12 I can remember we went to erm , oh cos we moved out of Harlow did n't we when Nick was eleven months old so that 's about fifteen years ago and lived in Hatfield for three years , so , and we used to go to Welwyn Department Store then and , and look at stuff .
13 Astor was a German who had settled in Canada about 12 years earlier and started in business , trading with Indian tribes and immigrant trappers .
14 They said he answered some of their questions sarcastically and spoke in Russian , even though he is bilingual and the questions had been put to him in Moldavian .
15 Then he took his arms away and roared with laughter and drew comic glasses round her eyes on the glass .
16 Their two small sons stood apart with their nurse , already contrite and tearful , but Lan clapped her hands delightedly and ran towards Joseph .
17 He pulled his hands away and stared at Lord Henry with wild eyes .
18 And I went berserk about two nights later and said for god 's sake you 're driving me bonkers , go away and sleep on the sofa .
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