Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 But clearly we can not blame a single organic agent for the simultaneous extinction of all the varied and unrelated groups of dinosaurs , the pterosaurs , the marine reptiles , the ammonites , the belemnites , the rudistids and many minor groups besides at the end of the Mesozoic .
2 If there is a tunnel , then I reckon it 'll come out in the woods somewhere to the north of the fence an' close to it .
3 Not only is the snow cover likely to remain comfortable in the high resorts right into the start of May , but the lower the temperature , the safer the snow .
4 The government 's taxing agents , the Inland Revenue or Customs and Excise officials , levy taxes only with the House of Commons ' approval .
5 Different ages , different ways of life … reasons enough for the variety of co-ordinated options we have to offer at Allied .
6 Moulds were used as antiseptics long before the discovery of antibiotics , but modern pharmacology has vastly extended their utility by analysing their active products , producing these in large amounts and making variations on their structures .
7 Anti-communism thus united the interests of the US Occupation , the Japanese state and private employers especially in the face of a united front of public and private sector workers .
8 Sistem is initially targeted at customer support Hot Lines and internal Help Desks much in the fashion of start-ups Aurum and ProActive Software .
9 Before the end of the 18th century , this was confirmed by the Society electing to have three contests annually on the day of the papingo shoot — one each for the ‘ gentlemen ’ , the ‘ merchants and tradesmen ’ , and the ‘ boys ’ , with only the ‘ gentlemen ’ eligible to shoot for the papingo trophy .
10 Almost she rose through the strata of realities to wakefulness , but then her lover glided his fingers gently over the curve of her jaw to mine pleasure from her throat .
11 Finally , the false vocal cord theory is supported by the evidence of the simple action of placing your fingers gently on the throat of a purring cat — there is no doubt , then , that the purring sound is stemming from the region of the voice-box , and it is hard to see why any alternative theory should have been put forward .
12 As studies in many parts of the world show , the sexual satisfaction of both partners continues in a high proportion of cases long after the age of seventy and often well into the eighties .
13 Just 20 minutes daily in the privacy of your home will develop an amazing physique .
14 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; and that upon condition that before issue of a certified copy interlocutor of his appointment he shall lodge in the hands of the Accountant of Court a bond binding himself to lodge Accounts annually with the Accountant of Court and otherwise to conduct the affairs of the curatory estate in all respects in conformity with the laws and practice of Scotland ; to appear before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland to answer for his conduct as curator aforesaid or in connection with any matter arising out of said curatory ; to submit himself to and prorogate the jurisdiction of the Court of Session for said purposes and to assign an address in Scotland where he may be cited , and decerns ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
15 — 13 chains entirely within the Borough of Lewisham , to continue along Kent House Road to its junction with Sydenham High Street .
16 Most of the data came from observing 55 case conferences , interviews with the social workers in 25 of the cases together with an analysis of case records .
17 In McMurdo Sound , Antarctica , Tedrow and Ugolini ( 1966 ) and Tedrow ( 1977 ) estimated that shifts of 30–40°C occurred several times daily in the surface of rocks under summer sunshine , and Nichols and Ball ( 1964 ) found bare ahumic soils passing through the freeze-thaw cycle over a hundred times in the course of a summer .
18 Harrison drummed his fingers impatiently against the surface of the table .
19 This should have the result that the title deeds will be released by any mortgagee to the wife 's solicitors alone without the consent of the husband .
20 The basic objective of current cost accounting is to provide more useful information than is available from historical cost accounts alone for the guidance of management , shareholders and others on such matters as 1 the financial viability of a business 2 return on investment 3 pricing policy and cost control .
21 Using the edge of a teaspoon , mark scales all over the body of the dragon , including the neck , head and tail .
22 In the rush to meet the first deadline on hours much of the spirit of the new deal has been lost .
23 Civilization , that is , human societies , goes further than just linking family groups together through a set of work tasks that they have in common .
24 If there has been no irregularity , the law does not mend or amend contracts merely for the relief of those for whom things have not turned out well .
25 Cricket in the 20th century has pulled in large crowds only in the aftermath of the two world wars ; after such horrors , people needed the spiritual balm of this most philosophic of games .
26 Alchian and Demsetz characterise the firm as involving a team use of inputs together with the occupancy of a central position by a party whose function is to monitor the outputs of the team members and the other factors of production employed in the firm .
27 The Persian empire made and used coins only in the part of its territory which adjoined the coin-using lands of Greece .
28 Australians too raise their voices querulously at the end of a sentence , only in harsh tones no doubt derived from their country 's past .
29 This does not show up in the household statistics because many of these stays were for a brief few months right at the end of life .
30 But there was a lot lot of damage done to the shops right down the length of Road .
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