Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb base] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The notebooks also show that she had grasped that the A form contained two strands running in opposite directions , but she had not then understood the exact relation between the A and B forms .
2 Clients often report that they stop seeing themselves as abnormal when they meet others in a similar situation .
3 Conservative Members ' speeches today show that they have not learnt the lesson of their hatred of local government .
4 When asking guest Medau Teachers to teach at rallies please check that she holds own private insurance cover otherwise let the Office know at once so that cover can be arranged for her .
5 Your Directors unanimously recommend that you vote against Resolutions 14 and 15 .
6 Your Directors unanimously recommend that you vote in favour of the aforementioned Resolutions , and intend themselves so to vote in respect of their own beneficial holdings totalling 117,180 ordinary shares representing 0.07% of the present issues ordinary share capital .
7 Hay 's booksellers justifiably boast that they cater for all tastes .
8 There was a trench running down this one , too , its contents so foul that he walked with his feet astride it .
9 Christians usually think that they have nothing to learn from other religions , but that is because we confuse beliefs and practices .
10 Hahnemann 's writings clearly show that he differentiates between the level of potency and smallness of the dose i.e. the quantity given .
11 If you are not working , do not give up all your time to charitable work — you will be worn out , for voluntary work is a bottomless pit and those who run charities freely admit that they squeeze every last drop of help that they can out of people .
12 The Australian Health Authorities openly admit that they lack the person-power and financial resources to check for radioactive contamination every shipment that comes into the country .
13 Furthermore , and even more important , various writers clearly show that they thought of England as a nation .
14 It therefore states that many British trade unionists now suggest that we need a new industrial relations institution where a wide agenda of issues can be discussed between managers and employee representatives that work company level .
15 Good managers everywhere know that they need to look both inside and outside their organisation to get the best deal for the citizens who use their services .
16 Several major galleries now claim that they have ceased trading with Saatchi - ‘ I would n't sell him a napkin , ’ said one prominent figure in the New York art world — but since no one is prepared to go on the record with such an assertion , or to have their name directly linked to a quote , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that dealers and artists are hedging their bets .
17 This is an activity that does n't bear repeating often as sponsors sometimes discover that they have pledged themselves to give much more than they had intended and that , unlike the purchase of a raffle ticket or a ticket to a school event , there is no chance of personal gain .
18 The C E C when they 're talking about motions sometimes say that they accept them with the qualification and I 'd like to say to Congress this morning will you accept a qualification from the branch moving this to say that we are talking about groups of members and their needs not individuals ?
19 The entrance charges also ensure that we know exactly how many people visit these Gardens .
20 Disabled patients who speak well of their doctors often say that they spend time with them , they listen , are helpful , visit regularly and are reliable .
21 Mothers often say that they say the same things over and over again and end up losing their tempers in order to get a response .
22 On the other , members often say that they do n't feel involved ; that committees do all the work without reference to them .
23 Most diet advisers sternly insist that you weigh every single thing before putting it in your mouth ( cigarettes and fingernails , only , excluded ) .
24 Researchers there say that they achieved similarly fascinating results , though handicapped first by a small budget and also by several death threats from potential subjects .
25 Will the forgotten peasants suddenly find that someone has remembered them ?
26 Erm now erm a number of people erm , getting on t back on to the handout for a moment , er a number of people who 've reported being b abused as children also report that they do try and tell people , either at the time or shortly afterwards , and this business of not being believed is quite a common report from survivors , not being believed at first .
27 I know some young women rightly feel that they came out as a result of their own strength — and of course many of them do come out without any youth work involvement .
28 Salvadorean women often remark that they live in a " matriarchal society " , by which they mean they must support their children single-handed .
29 Although ministers now stress that they recognize the importance of backing basic research without strings , the suspicion still lingers that decisions are shifting towards short-term payoffs .
30 Although ministers now stress that they recognise the importance of backing basic research without strings , the suspicion still lingers that decisions are shifting towards short-term payoffs . ’
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