Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb past] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Your shoes always had to be clean , brushed , you see ?
2 It is evident that in many of our residential areas no such balance any longer exists , for the street has been given over entirely to the car , with other functions now expected to be subordinate to it .
3 Jacques Delors , ’ said the message — in tones which observers yesterday took to be ironical , given the sometimes bitter sparring between London and Brussels over a wide range of policies .
4 After the act , brokers either had to be independent , offering impartial advice on the spectrum of financial products , or tied , selling the products of one company .
5 Unsurprisingly , the treatment of roads here had to be different .
6 Something in his demeanour indicated that perhaps he did not quite believe her story of having climbed most of the way up Massis , which peasants and holy men alike knew to be inaccessible .
7 Sequent Computer Systems Inc will launch its K2 series of multiprocessor Microsoft Corp Windows NT systems co-designed with Tricord Systems Inc on May 3 in the US — May 4 in the UK ( UX No 420 ) : Tricord has already launched the things as its 5000 series in the US running a variety of operating systems — though Sequent has an exclusive deal on NT versions ; as well as the low-end K2 boxes , Sequent will also be launching a series of high-end , Pentium-ready systems also said to be NT-capable .
8 After that , if differences in income per worker in different enterprises still seemed to be excessive , it would be reasonable to introduce a progressive tax on enterprise income within each republic or province , based on the level of the enterprise 's net income per worker .
9 Erm by nineteen forty eight erm the Communist Party had argued that three conditions had to be there for land reform to take place and that was that how that the area had to be militarily stable , the majority of peasants erm rich peasants had to be mobilized er had to want to be demanding land reform and the Party cadres there had to be adequate in numbers and quality .
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