Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In September 1934 the USSR had joined the League of Nations , and six months later they signed a pact with France .
2 Then a few months later we got a phone call from him asking myself and the singer to come out to Britain , and so we came out .
3 Some months later I got a cheque for six hundred dollars — apparently a programme in America had done a feature on what can happen when you ask a stupid question and that was my fee for being included .
4 Then little invisible tadpole things in the pee swam through the bathwater up the woman 's bottom and laid eggs , and six months later she had a baby .
5 Four months later she left the country and travelled constantly , following her lover wherever he wanted to go .
6 Lagerfeld sent sketches off and six months later he got a telegram telling him that he had won the first prize in the group for coats .
7 Then a few months later he got a job with a trucking company , moved into a new house and eventually got married .
8 Three months later he sent a proof of Offensive from Q Quasar 13 .
9 done the work and they just , just a couple of months ago we got a letter taking him to court .
10 A few months ago they had a row , and Steve stormed off and went nightclubbing in London for the weekend .
11 Several months ago I received an invitation for myself and a friend to travel out and fish Carp Fishers Abroad 's new addition near Metz , France , near the border with Germany .
12 I had a very gory accident with a shopping trolley , but the gash in my leg has healed beautifully , and about two months ago I had a cataract removed ( local anaesthetic : all the rage these days and an absolute doddle ) .
13 A few months ago I had the privilege of visiting the brand new Museum of Immigration on Ellis Island in New York City .
14 Three months ago I purchased a Waterlife Nitrate Test kit from my local water garden centre and when I tried to use it consistently got a zero reading .
15 SOME months ago I saw a television documentary on hostels for young homeless people in London .
16 Six months ago I acquired a Rottie and can honestly say I am absolutely delighted with my dog .
17 It is also the same week that the Bank of England ( whose governor was last year awarded a £22,000 pay increase ) admitted that it had been over-optimistic when three months ago it predicted the recession was ending .
18 In fact we turned up some gas shares on the way , but er and a bit of cash , but that was n't enough to pay the funeral accounts and she made no provision for paying any of the bills so I sold the gas shares towards paying the funeral account and then got shouted at by the er beneficiary children because I had n't consulted them about selling the gas shares and I said Well , they have to be sold because there 's bills to pay and there is no way of dealing with that .
19 And we were standing on the end of the house and I thought I had nothing to tie that down with but there were concrete blocks there I had a pile of those in the corner and well it took the whole blooming thing .
20 As soon as Moran saw McQuaid on his feet again he knew the evening , all the evenings , were about to be broken up and he withdrew back into himself .
21 A few days later we heard a reading room receptionist telephoning the ground floor police desk to ask if she needed her umbrella to go to lunch .
22 I sent Kassimi with a letter to the Governor at Goba , and a few days later we received an apology for our treatment and permission to continue our journey .
23 But eight days later he developed a blood clot and died .
24 ‘ But a few days later he got a letter with a train ticket down south and two hundred pounds in notes as expenses .
25 A few days later he got a job as a sales executive with the Hartlepool marketing company SMAC .
26 A few days later he received a summons to interrogation by one of these officers , which he refused to attend .
27 A few days later he had a letter from a listener asking him why he 'd told them that his gas bill was arriving the following day .
28 Twelve days later I received a call from an exultant Sylvia who told me that , on the previous evening , she had in fact managed to go right into the cupboard and switch off the light .
29 A few days later I received a letter from Leslie 's commanding officer .
30 Nine days later I received a replacement booklet , a new Hyperion catalogue and a letter of apology .
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