Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the first [num] years " in BNC.

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1 This will be done with the full cooperation of C3 Division of the Home Office , the Lord Chancellor 's Department and the Crown Prosecution Service all of whom have agreed to grant access to the relevant documentation in relation to cases during the first five years of the Act 's operation .
2 Shire Counties fared just as strangely , with both Cumbria and Northumberland being at the extreme low end of the ranking in change among these authorities for the first two years and yet requiring one of the largest increases in the third .
3 The voluntary scheme has the backing of the government , which is providing £13 million of funds for the first three years .
4 ‘ Thought about nothing but cars for the first twenty-five years of his life , now he thinks about nothing but polo .
5 Many course combinations in the first two years provide a background for Medical Microbiology in third and fourth years .
6 So those two factors affect how much of the client 's premium buys units in the first four years .
7 O K , so those are the two factors that affect the allocation to units in the first four years .
8 Thus many students would take a single , combined or ( more rarely ) a tripartite subject degree , with one or two ancillary or subsidiary subjects in the first two years , and some main subject options in the final year .
9 As kite-makers and everyday enthusiasts for kite flying , the Peacock family of St.Albans had also been the winners over the first two years of the Kite Society 's Rokkaku Challenge .
10 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
11 Both of these have also been raised in evaluations of the first six years of National Certificate 's operation .
12 The Scholarships , which cover 7 sports , of which tennis is one , have helped no fewer than 420 youngsters in the first five years of their existence .
13 But by far the greater number of paintings to be seen at both these Salons in the first ten years of the century were still sub-Impressionist in character , and it was as part of the final and conclusive reaction against Impressionism that the Cubist and proto-Cubist works exhibited in 1910 were greeted .
14 Many more farmers would be willing to undertake conversion if the Government were prepared to provide subsidies for the first five years to help re-equip .
15 Either through this , or through their exercise of coercive powers , the great landed nobility were able to minimize damage to their incomes in the first twenty years or so after the first onset of the plague .
16 Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) quote a figure of fifty or more parent figures during the first five years in a residential nursery as being common .
17 The overall figures for the first two years are given in table I. There have been a total of 16 positive test results , nine of which were confirmed on a subsequent venous sample , giving an incidence of 1:3802 male births .
18 The figures for the first two years are easy as these decisions have already been taken , years four and five are merely projections on current assumptions while the hard decisions have at this stage to be taken for year three .
19 The father 's preparation for the Civil Service Examination — probably as rigorous an academic test as the external London matriculation examinations of the first forty years of this century — had given him command of three languages , Latin , French , and German , and a powerful interest in political and philosophical topics .
20 Those are my only remaining memories of the first five years .
21 But nobody then dared question the magical properties of the first five years when Oedipal fantasies were supposed to be raging in the unconscious .
22 The figures in the first three years of the Long-Term Costing are detailed and relatively firm because they are fixed by the Public Expenditure Survey Committee each year — hence they are referred to in Whitehall jargon as the PESC years .
23 Repayments of insurance policies within the first four years of the policy 's life ;
24 NEW drivers have TWICE as many accidents as old-timers in the first two years after passing the test .
25 The programmes of study will apply from five years of age , likewise the attainment targets , although not in operation formally until the age of seven years , will of course be drawn from the study programmes in the first two years of statutory schooling .
26 Mark Twain 's Innocents Abroad , an account of his travels in Europe and the Near East , published in 1869 , sold about 125,000 copies within the first three years of publication .
27 That means checks in your GP 's surgery on the height , weight , growth , development of the senses and other essential features in the first five years of your child 's life .
28 The proposal also included an offer to reduce the price of supplies in real terms over the first five years and a pledge that during the contract period prices would remain ‘ within the general movement of prices in the economy ’ .
29 The average price paid by industrial and commercial consumers declined only slightly if at all in real terms over the first ten years of nationalisation , but electricity usage in industry was probably less price-elastic than in most uses , and other factors were the main stimuli to sales growth .
30 Major institutional investors felt the deal gave too much to Mr Ritblat , his family and British Land management — New British Land was to be paid £15million a year in management charges for the first three years , coming down to £10million as properties were sold .
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