Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Saturday Review in its now usual vein commented that although they were ‘ all men of various claims to distinction ’ , they hardly appeared competent to examine and assess the baffling array of entries with which they were to be confronted .
2 There is sometimes a tendency for a generalist service to expand into specialisms with which it is in daily contact .
3 What should then happen would depend upon a number of considerations upon which I am in no position to speculate or express a view .
4 What Rosen and Burgess had called " London/Jamaican " begged description : so far , there were no clear accounts of what it was like .
5 She nurtured an artistic , creative ego and vision according to the ready models of what it was to be a ‘ Great Artist ’ .
6 The most striking feature of pupil descriptions of what it is to be a good teacher is the great emphasis placed on interpersonal respect .
7 Thus Britain has committed heavy expenditures to just those areas in which she is at a massive comparative disadvantage against the USA .
8 They depend on an appropriate display of responsible behaviour , and the circumstances in which they are to be given must be made explicit .
9 Local authorities now have four main sources of funds for capital expenditure : borrowing , which is subject to approval by central government ; capital grants , also from central government , which will specify the purposes for which they are to be used , and the amount the local authority must itself contribute ; capital receipts , from the sale of assets such as land and council houses , though the local authorities must first set aside 50% of these receipts ( 75% in the case of council house sales ) towards repaying their debts ; and ordinary revenue from the Community Charge , etc. , for which the government assumes the local authorities to be accountable to their voters ( CIPFA , 1990 , Chapter 20.3 ; HM Treasury , 1990 , Chapter 21 , Paras .
10 As political conditions in China became increasingly chaotic in the decade after World War I Aglen found his responsibilities becoming not only more onerous , but also more difficult to carry out without coming into conflict with one or other of the Chinese factions making demands upon him as custodian of revenues of which he was in sole charge .
11 My father travelled to Nairobi by way of Mega , Moyale , Marsabit , Laisamis and Nyeri , all places with which I was to be familiar some fifty-five years later .
12 Yet I am so much under the spell of your witchery I might have viewed parson 's mousetrap with a kindly eye were you the bait — and not the false promises with which I am to be lured .
13 Summoning troops from the reserve would be easier if the formations in which they were to be deployed existed already .
14 We actually saw alternatives to what we were after .
15 People in Britain tend to have strong feelings about what it is like to live in rural or urban areas .
16 The stories of what it was like there in the hours that followed , and of the lingering deaths of 31 of the most exposed people , make the hair stand up on the back of your neck .
17 Well I mean I can assure them that the , the National Rivers Authority in the Thames region is monitoring rivers on a daily basis throughout the year and that we would hope to deal with pollution incidents as they occur , and we would hope with our monitoring and the pressure we put on third parties to er actually over the years , to improve things from what they are at the moment and to make things better .
18 Such interest , like the damages on which it is to be given , is to be calculated in the money of the day at the date of trial , the real value of which has been depreciated by the full amount of the inflation that has taken place since the date of service of the writ [ Emphasis added ] .
19 There may be some pleasures for which it is worth risking one 's life but to do so for a cigarette is an illustration of the sheer insanity of addictive disease .
20 As Schwab ( 1964 ) has pointed out , one of the features of Plato 's scheme is that it does not primarily classify knowledge in terms of what it is of or about but in terms of its quality — its degrees of reality .
21 If the bank mortgage form does not set out the precise amount of the home loan and the terms under which it is to be repaid , then it is important to ensure that the client receives a letter from the bank manager spelling out in precise terms the nature of the loan , the interest rate applicable to it and the regularity of the instalment payments .
22 In the years after the defeat of 1935 the Party formulated many of the policies on which it was to be returned in 1945 .
23 The following memorandum was presented by Vial , and read by the secretary : ‘ When the Members of the Veterinary College were occupied by objects to which I was in no wise competent I was absolutely silent — but now that it is a question to chuse [ sic ] a convenient situation for the establishment of the College , I think it a duty incumbent on me to give my advice on this important point .
24 They will both work hard and urgently to carry to a successful conclusion , if they can , the two processes of which they are in charge — the peace conference at The Hague and the prospects for a UN peacekeeping force .
25 General Hodge thus had the first of the many tempestuous scenes in which he was to be involved with Rhee over the next two years .
26 Why did he always choose to lose his temper over issues in which he was in the wrong ?
27 Lessons on what it 's like to be a European went down a treat with the pupils of a rural Ulster primary school last week .
28 Our conclusions for what they are worth are set out and we come to a figure of about forty five thousand .
29 False claims to universality have been used to cover a persistent warping in our notions of what it is to be an individual .
30 Each TEI base tagset determines the basic structure of all the documents with which it is to be used .
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