Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pers pn] [conj] it was " in BNC.

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1 You simply stood by the grill and never took your eyes off it until it was the colour you wanted .
2 There were no clerics nor foreigners amongst them and it was obvious that many of those going in to view the film viewed them as a sad little group .
3 I had brothers and friends ’ brothers into it and it was just the village I lived in , it was a grebo village .
4 My grandfather taught me necessary skills : how to tip my tea into my saucer and blow waves across it until it was cool enough to drink ; how to cut an orange in half crossways and pack a sugar lump into each half and then suck out orange-juice and sugar together ; how to walk along the crazy-paving garden path without stepping On any of the cracks or a tiger would get you ; how to butter the loaf and then clutch it to your chest and then shave off paper-thin slices ; what saint to pray to when you woke up at night and saw the devil moving behind the curtains .
5 He captured the citadel but he only had a few troops with him and it was clear he could n't hold it for long , so he pushed on east past Excideuil into the Limousin , driving straight into the heartland of the rebel cause and devastating the country as he went .
6 He says it 's a period that appeals to him because it was both sophisticated and wicked .
7 Even if it had maggots and things in it and it was all horrible ? ’
8 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
9 Well she does n't like M C Hammer , he was on , and then there was one week with Germans on it and it was , erm , it 's a German group that used to be popular and have n't done a song for ages .
10 There was no kind of animosity at all because we are still friends with him but it was just that his presence did n't do anything dramatic for the group creatively so we asked him to go . ’
11 why , erm , at Dawn 's we erm done this thing , and it was sort of , there was four sides of it and it was one , then there was two inside , well there was one at the back , erm , Henry and Mrs said when you get these back you 'll see what you 've got , and people , she said , people who have got over twenty of er , the better than the people who are lower and I got twenty one
12 When we got there , we were introduced to several divers who swapped telephone numbers with us and it was suggested that we have a dive with an instructor to re-orient us to diving in this country .
13 They should be able to read the agency 's report , the Council thought , and point out what they considered mistakes in it before it was disseminated as fact .
14 I says I want to learn sommat so I went to and I do n't know what it was , whether it was my attitude , but they , they asked me to do this and I was so good at it , so they started finding jobs for me and it was at and I was anxious for knowledge , and I tell you took anything on , which is important and the big firms did n't .
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