Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun prp] [noun prp] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fig. 9.1 Age-sex profiles for Great Britain over a period of 130 years .
2 A total of 15 US military personnel were reported to have lost their lives in El Salvador over the past decade .
3 Indeed this is proven by the fact that some of the original 1 Squadron crews of 1950 were still flying in 2 Squadron Canberra medium bombers over South Vietnam over a decade later .
4 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
5 A glittering figure on the international financial circuit , he not only provided East Germany with much-needed foreign currency but also played a central part in all political and economic exchanges with West Germany over the past 30 years .
6 The UDA had been blamed for about one-third of the killings of civilians in Northern Ireland over the previous 23 years ( more than 2,000 civilians having been killed during this period ) .
7 We have already noted the erotic fantasies of men like Jelinger Symons over the appearance and behaviour of the pit girls .
8 Law personally conducted the negotiations with Gardner Sinclair over the sale of the Observer and the Pall Mall Gazette in 1914 ; this negotiation also demonstrates that , as well as producing information and nursing editors , the party had to work hard to keep some of the newspapers in business .
9 THREE people were rescued from a yacht which got into difficulties in heavy seas off Bardsey Island over the weekend .
10 He has had talks with Counc Woodhead over the weekend .
11 Joan received in all three letters from Prince Edward over the next weeks , cheerful letters telling her of his new abode and his favourable impressions of the Welsh Marches and its people .
12 In any case , with the dismissal of the ecologist Jose Lutzenberger as Minister of Environment just before the summit and with the hesitations of George Bush over the electoral advantage to him of appearing here , it seems that the Earth Summit may not quite turn out to be the intended PR success for the western approach to planetary salvation .
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