Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] which [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reviewing recent historiography of the Reformation , Christopher Haigh has pointed out the constantly shifting conflicts between factions which existed in the English court between 1527 and 1553 .
2 Instead , men were tramping through the shrubbery , parting the delphiniums , running their hands between every pansy and wallflower , even lifting the clumps of lobelia which cascaded down the side of a weathered stone urn .
3 The ecumenical movement has reversed three centuries of division which began with the failure of the Savoy Conference in 1661 and the imposition of the Act of Uniformity , Today , Holy Communion is celebrated more frequently and with a set liturgy , often in an ‘ Anglican ’ way ; set prayers are common and sometimes take a responsory form ; the increasing use of a lectionary means that the choice of readings depends less upon the whim of the preacher and more upon an ordered scheme .
4 Detective Sergeant Brian Jackson was driving through the more prosperous part of Long Eaton , a village on the outskirts of Nottingham which happened to be just over the Derbyshire border .
5 However , she was finding it difficult to stifle the waves of panic which swept through her body at the thought of being in close contact with this man who had once meant so much to her .
6 The most recent addition to the network is the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts in Prague which opened in December last year , joining Soros centres in Prague and Warsaw .
7 As this inflow increases — a population movement which can only be compared to the millennial westward movement of peoples to Europe which ended with the defeat of the Mongols — a final answer will be given to our absorbing little debate about European identity .
8 The chimes of bells which stood in every district of the city were being rung as they sat down — both because the ringers had been amply bribed and because they thought it politic to honour Artai and his chief supporter — and a small orchestra of trumpets and tambours had been hired by a steward and was accommodated in the yard , so that Burun 's speech of welcome to his guests , as well as their affable replies , were conducted with much opening and shutting of mouths and a deal of dumb show .
9 Student demonstrations in April and May 1990 were accompanied by acts of looting which led to the deployment of security forces outside schools and which culminated in clashes on the campus of Niamey University on June 7 .
10 As the House will be aware , on 29 November , three child care officers formerly employed by Leicestershire county council were convicted on extremely serious charges of sexual assault and other acts of violence which occurred in three Leicestershire children 's homes between 1973 and 1986 .
11 Membership 168 countries ( including the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia which acceded in May 1991 , when the island of Tokelau became an associate member ) .
12 Failure to agree on the basic principles of caring for refugee children started a running battle between liberal and orthodox exponents of Judaism which lasted throughout the war and beyond .
13 It followed repeated requests by successive Canadian governments for US action to reduce the emissions of pollutants which travelled across the frontier to fall as acid rain in south-eastern Canada .
14 This would be achieved by formulating a convention on climate change , to include legally binding protocols on cutting emissions of gases which contributed to global warming , and provisions for industrialized countries to provide financial and technical assistance to Third-World countries to help them achieve this without forgoing the benefits of industrial development .
15 The progressively more inward-looking and doctrinaire views of Zhdanov which came to pre-eminence within the Soviet Union from 1936 onwards paradoxically encouraged in France the development of a communist " national " literature not overtly preoccupied with Soviet orthodoxy .
16 Outside the marched in the aborigines had their fire of gum tree branches to purify the atmosphere very much like the flames of fire which appeared on the first whit Sunday .
17 Poxed , disfigured scavengers scuttled across hillocks of debris which rained into this underworld from a low steel sky by way of chutes and grilles .
18 All proved to be fakes , as did their certificates of authenticity which purported to be those of Paris art expert , Paul Petridès .
19 As Lord Diplock said in Re Racal Communications Ltd , ‘ The breakthrough made by Anisminic was that , as respected administrative tribunals and authorities , the old distinction between errors of law which went to jurisdiction and those which did not , was for practical purposes abolished . ’
20 All of us are familiar with the major miscarriages of justice which led to the appointment of the Royal Commission into the Criminal Justice System .
21 They wanted to get rid of the feudal not capitalist elements of landlords which had to be destroyed .
22 Three major causes account for the ensuing periods of upheaval which culminated in the establishment of a less formal relationship between the press and the political parties in the late 20th century :
23 Demands for the purification of national life were matters of importance which stood above class differences and the petty divisions of party politics .
24 The flocks of sheep which grazed in the pastures near the villa were similar to the Soay breed — hardy creatures which produced milk and hard-wearing wool .
25 Exquisitely carved wooden animals , birds , masks , flowers , and hanging mobiles , twinkled in the sunlight , enticing visitors into doorways which led into shops resembling Aladdin 's caves .
26 From 1907 Richardson devoted herself to a journalistic career , publishing periodical articles on topics which ranged from literature and politics to dentistry , as well as reviews , sketches , short stories , and poems .
27 This had obvious implications for methodology which went beyond the simpler objectives of transferring information from teacher to student .
28 The new legislation regarding seat belt wearing in the rear seats of cars which came into effect on 1 July 1991 has had a downward effect on the number of rear seat car passenger casualties .
29 ‘ A fifth-century Greek poet named Tryphiodorus composed an epic poem on the voyages of Ulysses which ran to 24 books .
30 It all culminated in three days of frustration which led to complaints of ‘ disgusting crowd behaviour ’ from the German players .
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