Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [is] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , the time spent negotiating detailed heads of terms is usually better spent on starting due diligence or negotiating the main agreement .
2 ( Drillo seldom speaks of players — the words of Frank is actually quite an achievment for Frank )
3 What one understands to be the use of computers in spectroscopy is very much a matter of personal prejudice , and care must be taken to avoid being misled by a general title such as this .
4 Even the ticking-over rate of about 10 pulses per second is probably quite costly , but much less so than the maximum rate of 200 per second .
5 In general , it seems that the enforcement of the rules of coverage is no longer a significant issues among MPs .
6 Indeed , a system which has rules of adjudication is necessarily also committed to a rule of recognition of an elementary and imperfect sort .
7 As we have already mentioned , and as we shall reiterate in the next chapter , the distinction between these two forms of insanity is probably more a matter of psychiatric convenience than aetiological reality .
8 The following description of the two forms of right is thus necessarily brief and the emphasis is on computer equipment rather than attempting to give a detailed account of design law .
9 By contrast , answering some questions about intervals between dates is much more difficult for the bottom third when no calendar is provided than when it is ; the top third are about as successful whether or not a calendar is provided .
10 It is likely that the records available considerably underestimate winter numbers as the Coot 's status on less important areas of water is very imperfectly known .
11 Pathophysiology of the various subtypes of CIP is only now being elucidated .
12 Moreover , the simplification can not be made , as it can in the terrestrial planets , that the influence of temperature on density is slight compared with the influence of pressure : the temperature change with depth in adiabatic lapse-rate models of Jupiter is much too large for this to be the case .
13 The average intelligence quotient of blacks in America is still significantly below that of whites .
14 Microprocessor Report goes on to say that the clock-rate versus complexity tradeoff is one of the most important issues in superscalar design , but admits that straight clock-rate comparisons of parts is only partially fair because whilst it is true that ‘ a more complex design , such as used in SuperSparc and the 88110 , leaves less time for performance tuning the hardware , it is also the case that clock-rate was a major focus during the design of 21064 and 7100 chips . ’
15 For both the seller and the buyer the question of who pays the costs of delivery is really only a matter related to the negotiation of the price .
16 The distribution between herbivores and carnivores in nature is often finely balanced .
17 Berger 's irrationalist pessimism about the fate of ideas in history is neither fully justified by history nor required by logic .
18 Handing over these responsibilities to others is therefore sometimes rather threatening to one 's ego .
19 Work to the external elevations of GB is still largely ongoing although the front elevation is now complete .
20 Picking a route from the walking riches of Scotland is always somewhat arbitrary — but needs must and a traverse of the Five Sisters of Kintail will certainly pass muster as a first-rate choice .
21 There is still plenty of interest in the performing of mystery plays , even though their original purpose in the Middle Ages of reinforcing the religious beliefs of audiences is now largely irrelevant .
22 The trouble and expense involved in all dealings with land is still very great in the absence of any general provision for preserving any public record of title .
23 As a New York merchant expressed it in 1762 : " Our importation of dry goods from England is so vastly great , that we are obliged to betake ourselves to all possible arts to make remittances to the British merchants . "
24 However , the use of the Tables in DC is much more closely monitored than it is in UDC .
25 The increased use of civil law measures and increases in statutory fines and prison sentences is yet further admission by the SEC that expending resources on detection is much too costly given the end return .
26 Thus the amount of notes in circulation is always more at Christmas time .
27 It is in this context that a new future role for inner cities finds favour with Robson , who justifies the need for an inner city policy on the potential of the city to become a place of consumption linked with business services : ‘ the role of cities in production is no longer that of access to labour , but of access to information ’ ( p16 ) .
28 Studying the semantic features of texts is inevitably rather an intuitive business , and in so far as we can quantify such features at all , it often seems best to attach them to grammatical labels ( eg " colour adjectives " , " adverbials of place " ) , and to use some arbitrary standard of measurement , such as number of words .
29 Yet the task of distinguishing sexual assaults in terms of gravity is perhaps less awesome than the Committee alleged .
30 Its salvation twenty years later attests to the dramatic shift in Brooke-Rose 's values , her style , and her approach to narrative problems , but her propensity to see personal identity and social interaction in terms of language is nevertheless firmly established in her first novel .
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