Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is a further complication in that individuals hold views about health at a variety of different levels of analysis .
2 Giving of reasons for decisions of a licensing board
3 Excavations such as those of the German excavator Heinrich Schliemann ( 1822–90 ) at Troy and Mycenae , of the British archaeologist Arthur Evans ( 1851–1951 ) at Knossos , and of many others at this time began to prove that much more than objects for display in a museum could be recovered from these sites .
4 The Minoans also regarded certain inanimate objects as incarnations of a deity .
5 In 1914 , this vehicle was covered with slogans and coloured lamps for use in a recruitment campaign ( see Chapter 2 ) and toured the system .
6 A problem with this point of view is that there is in fact no evidence of descent groups having ever existed without these two levels and it seems difficult to treat all documented cases as transitions from a stage for which there is no evidence .
7 Because syntax is embedded in discourse , entirely different forms might have similar functions ( i.e. be used as equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ) ; for this reason it is sometimes difficult to specify a principled way of knowing where to stop counting particular forms as variants of a variable .
8 I had also been taking up quite a lot of time for public service , chairing the National Gas Consumers ' Council , and also , more relevantly , working under Richard Hoggart who was chairing the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education , which had a remit to develop national policies for education as a process continuing throughout life .
9 Graded listening and speaking activities for people in a range of social and business contexts .
10 Added to this there was the alarming , although on closer inspection ambiguous , evidence of concerted communist plans for Asia as a whole that were discussed at the World Federation of Democratic Youth Conference in Calcutta in February 1948 .
11 Plans for conversion into a banking hall and offices are probably the most acceptable so far in that they would involve minimal disruption to the interior and would generate the large sums needed to repair the building fully .
12 They offered the maisonettes for sale at a peppercorn price , less than £2,000 .
13 Many people finding themselves in this position would also benefit from spending a few weeks engaged in extensive job search activities as members of a Job Club .
14 Lenders in general could recover unpaid debts through enforcement of a county court judgment allowing seizure and sale of goods ; debtors who defied a court order to pay could be imprisoned .
15 The Committee was not without its own misgivings about non-cohabitation as a prerequisite for prosecution for marital rape .
16 A number of proposals for eco-tourism as a way of funding the forest 's preservation , and providing an income for local people , have been put forward .
17 The entity-relationship diagram given in Figure 3.17 shows the entities for part of a firm of wholesalers .
18 Local authorities must also respond to requests for information from a variety of interested groups .
19 Consequently , when these innovative ideas were taken up nationally and the Residential Precinct Regulation was adopted in the traffic legislation of the Netherlands in September 1976 , great care was taken to set down minimum design requirements and special rules for conduct within a Woonerf .
20 The SQL Access Group will sell the Call Level Interface , a high level language application programming interface for C and Cobol , which defines a set of calls for interfacing to a variety SQL implementations .
21 CPRW is a well established national organisation and the only voluntary body concerned with strategies for Wales as a whole which are intended to protect Welsh heritage , its countryside and the quality of life of its people .
22 Their maturity and intelligence have been two vital possessions for survival in a business that is often evanescent .
23 Additionally , Blake was involved in checking Communist infiltration into the British sector and as part of these duties he began to learn Russian and had some officially approved contact with the Russians as part of a plan to see whether any of them could be persuaded to become British agents .
24 Frequently used in discussions about scanners as a measure of their ability to capture halftone images .
25 San Francisco : On January 31 , over 60 protestors successfully blockaded the Golden Gate Bridge stopping traffic for 48 minutes as Part of a movement to escalate the war on AIDS .
26 BREWER and retailer Whitbread has begun advising more than 1,000 of its tenants that it has arranged deals to lease their pubs to a string of brewers and pub groups as part of a move to comply with the Government 's beer orders .
27 A military transport aircraft , with 12 crew and 120 soldiers on board returning to Bandung after a parade , caught fire and crashed minutes after take-off in a Jakarta suburb , killing all those on board and a guard at a government training centre .
28 Contractile activity increases promptly with food ingestion ( within one to three minutes after the first mouthful of food ) and lasts several hours after ingestion of a meal .
29 After ‘ Kennedy ’ he knew that in terms of chart success , ‘ Be Honest ’ or ‘ Take Me ’ would be the best songs for release as a single .
30 His electrifying speed earned him seven international caps for Scotland as a wing three-quarter .
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