Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 She has devised and delivered numerous courses on management and supervisory skills and techniques , administrative management , customer care and communications skills for organisations in both the public and private sectors in the UK and abroad .
2 AT the Annual General Meeting of the company held on 16 June in Dublin , chairman Donald P Brennan said : ‘ When we met last year I outlined the company 's plans for rationalisation in both the crystal and ceramics businesses and for the restoration of Waterford and Wedgwood brands to profitability .
3 The pulse rate subsequently fell to baseline values after gastroscopy in both the oxygen and air groups .
4 While the view which I earlier called crude materialism is not compatible with Althusser 's general position , it would be remarkable if he were to relegate the economic aspects of society to exactly the same status as everything else .
5 The ways in which resources are partitioned are many , as , for example , on Barro Colorado Island where there are as many as eight variables of importance in just the food of coexisting ‘ surface-gleaning ’ bats .
6 The reason I draw attention to this guidance is that it draws what I think is a crucial distinction for our purposes here today , between the need to assess at the structure plan level the need for a road proposal and in paragraph five thirty one , a clear statement there that consideration of environmental impacts in relation to where the road goes , is a matter for the local plan .
7 The need to check if , and how fully , an authority will meet the cost in such cases is outlined by the Department of Health in guidelines to authorities on how the NHS market will work .
8 In addition to acting as local pilot to some of the remoter islands during our stay , there were trips by car to all the more interesting spots on shore such as the old village of Skara Brae , the Churchill Barrier and the Italian Chapel .
9 On the activities of NBFIs by far the most authoritative and recent account is Goacher and Gurwen ( 1987 ) .
10 This is reflected in our recommendations for programmes of study in both the reading and the writing profile components .
11 I. People have conflicts of opinion on how the land should be used in these and the other National Parks of Britain .
12 But these new sciences were not the products of developments within either the morphological or the environmentalist study of evolution .
13 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
15 Three patients ( two randomised to cisapride ) had originally presented with large or multiple chronic duodenal ulcers associated with small solitary areas of slough on either the incisura or in the prepyloric region .
16 The rug should then be carefully and systematically dried , making sure that there are no pockets of dampness in either the foundation or pile , by leaving it out in the sun and then methodically going over the entire area , both back and front , with a hand-held hair dryer .
17 One particular advantage of models such as these is that they can be used to produce multipliers which show the effects of changes in eg the population of a region on the employment levels in that region .
18 The 1987–9 , FoE- Observer tapwater survey found 154 water supply areas with aluminium at above the EC level of 200 ug/litre ( 0.2 mg/litre ) .
19 It certainly seems to specialise in hitting nails on heads at just the right moment .
20 Sir Joseph Banks had pioneered the effort to transplant useful species from one area to another , and hoped to use his position at the royal botanical gardens at Kew to further the interests of Britain 's overseas colonies .
21 Paintings and prints were distributed to colonial officials for display in much the same way as British embassies are provided with an official photographic portrait of the Queen .
22 The only choice to be made , therefore , will be between packages of services at roughly the same cost , without any direct financial accountability at local level .
23 " You hear all kinds of stories of how the Indian is oppressed by the white man , " Dr. Favor said .
24 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
25 Not just meeting the right person at the right time but also developing at the same pace so that you both have the same needs and expectations from life at roughly the same time .
26 Together they illustrate that , even if it is true that Conservatism harbours ‘ a distrust of the purely intellectual approach in politics ’ , this in itself is an ideological position with important implications in terms of both the theory and practice of Conservatism , and Honderich concludes that ‘ the commodious proposition that Conservatives only have and only favour factual beliefs which have passed the test of time , are empirical and so on , and hence are untheoretical in various senses … needs to be delivered , if necessary by private contractors , to the rubbish heap of history ’ .
27 Especially as compared with those somewhat dark days in terms of specially the relationship between the County Council and the health authority .
28 I did one exam before I went up , then had three years at Oxford with just the final exams at the end .
29 It is not unusual to find adult education centres , in the middle of provincial inner cities , for example , in which the majority of the provision is still a testimony to white , petit-bourgeois aspirations and hobbies , peopled by students who travel into classes by car from outside the immediate neighbourhood .
30 In his lifetime and by his will , Sampson II provided his three eldest sons with partnerships in both the Lloyd iron firm and the Birmingham bank .
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