Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She has devised and delivered numerous courses on management and supervisory skills and techniques , administrative management , customer care and communications skills for organisations in both the public and private sectors in the UK and abroad .
2 AT the Annual General Meeting of the company held on 16 June in Dublin , chairman Donald P Brennan said : ‘ When we met last year I outlined the company 's plans for rationalisation in both the crystal and ceramics businesses and for the restoration of Waterford and Wedgwood brands to profitability .
3 The pulse rate subsequently fell to baseline values after gastroscopy in both the oxygen and air groups .
4 Most booking conditions are hedged with all sorts of exclusions about why a tour operator ca n't be held liable when things go wrong .
5 The councils would normally meet in Minsk , the Council of Heads of State at least every six and the Council of Heads of Government at least every three months ; both would have a rotating chairmanship .
6 The councils would normally meet in Minsk , the Council of Heads of State at least every six and the Council of Heads of Government at least every three months ; both would have a rotating chairmanship .
7 While the view which I earlier called crude materialism is not compatible with Althusser 's general position , it would be remarkable if he were to relegate the economic aspects of society to exactly the same status as everything else .
8 The ways in which resources are partitioned are many , as , for example , on Barro Colorado Island where there are as many as eight variables of importance in just the food of coexisting ‘ surface-gleaning ’ bats .
9 ’ There are different schools of thought on how a rural churchyard should look . ’
10 It will be curious if the second industrial revolution , through the wide spread of its amenities of life to almost every home in the country , succeeds in destroying this unfortunate product of the first .
11 The reason I draw attention to this guidance is that it draws what I think is a crucial distinction for our purposes here today , between the need to assess at the structure plan level the need for a road proposal and in paragraph five thirty one , a clear statement there that consideration of environmental impacts in relation to where the road goes , is a matter for the local plan .
12 The need to check if , and how fully , an authority will meet the cost in such cases is outlined by the Department of Health in guidelines to authorities on how the NHS market will work .
13 Anthony Lewis talks to drivers who have taken the plunge and switched from petrol-engined cars to diesel with not a regret between them The doctor
14 With press media , it is possible to spread the same money over a much longer period , especially if monthly magazines are used , since monthlies accumulate their readership of as many as 10 or 11 readers per copy over quite a long period .
15 In addition to acting as local pilot to some of the remoter islands during our stay , there were trips by car to all the more interesting spots on shore such as the old village of Skara Brae , the Churchill Barrier and the Italian Chapel .
16 I think that the House needs to know whether he will abolish fund holding in the teeth of opposition from virtually every GP and from the British Medical Association .
17 On the activities of NBFIs by far the most authoritative and recent account is Goacher and Gurwen ( 1987 ) .
18 This is reflected in our recommendations for programmes of study in both the reading and the writing profile components .
19 I. People have conflicts of opinion on how the land should be used in these and the other National Parks of Britain .
20 But these new sciences were not the products of developments within either the morphological or the environmentalist study of evolution .
21 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
22 This may range from small areas of earthworks within or at one end of a settlement , to large areas of earthworks with only a few farms and cottages in use today .
24 Three patients ( two randomised to cisapride ) had originally presented with large or multiple chronic duodenal ulcers associated with small solitary areas of slough on either the incisura or in the prepyloric region .
25 The rug should then be carefully and systematically dried , making sure that there are no pockets of dampness in either the foundation or pile , by leaving it out in the sun and then methodically going over the entire area , both back and front , with a hand-held hair dryer .
26 One particular advantage of models such as these is that they can be used to produce multipliers which show the effects of changes in eg the population of a region on the employment levels in that region .
27 The 1987–9 , FoE- Observer tapwater survey found 154 water supply areas with aluminium at above the EC level of 200 ug/litre ( 0.2 mg/litre ) .
28 For example , in a survey I carried out on the membership of the National Trust — one of the largest voluntary associations in Britain with over a million and a quarter members — it was decided that topics should include such things as how people came to join , how they felt about the payment of subscriptions , how much they read of the literature the Trust sent them , what their main interests in conservation were , how active a part they wanted to play in the work of the Trust , and so on .
29 They were promoted by local landowners and farmers or industrial and commercial interests and even by the clergy , and their active promoters in groups of around a dozen ran their affairs at monthly meetings , employed the paid surveyors and labourers and contracted for repairs .
30 It certainly seems to specialise in hitting nails on heads at just the right moment .
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