Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [noun] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Values for hydration enthalpies can not be found experimentally .
2 The squares of cable patterns can also be used attractively with squares of plain stocking stitch placed alternately .
3 The great and life-long affection many have for the books of Enid Blyton can not be explained in ‘ pure ’ literary terms .
4 The aim of this study is to show how these and other aspects of promotions processes can not be fully understood except in the context of a particular organisation .
5 Traces of water courses can still be identified around the site .
6 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
7 Although they have chosen to deal with personal dilemmas , the songs in Mama Mozambiki can also be seen as metaphors for what is happening in a nation struggling to overcome years of civil war fuelled by South African destabilization .
8 Any assessment on the beneficiaries to income tax can never be more than on the £65 grossed up .
9 Further algebraically general solutions without curvature singularities can easily be constructed as will be indicated in Section 17.2 .
10 Because its roots lie in the U.S.A. , where the ‘ public domain ’ character of the information means a liberal approach to information sharing , it has set standards that belated attempts at commercial payback or selfish attitudes of information restriction can not now erode .
11 The influence of process and research models for curriculum development can also be detected in a number of proposals for insider evaluation .
12 The effects on communities of mobility deprivation can therefore be either visible or intangible : rarely are they negligible .
13 These elements of teacher growth can not be forced .
14 As , however , the air , even in deserts , is never completely dry , the effects of temperature changes can not usually be isolated from chemical effects .
15 Removal of barriers to capital mobility can also lead to net welfare gains .
16 Visitors to St. Andrews can now be treated to a view of the famous links from a vehicle befitting the surroundings .
17 Ideas about cross-curricular links and the possibilities for topic work can also be shared .
18 Seasoned observers of Angeleno politics can only just believe it , but it looks increasingly as if the fat-cat will win .
19 The game is therefore useful in illustrating the kinds of strategies animals can not adopt .
20 Two of the three studies of very low birthweight babies also showed significant reductions in the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and duration of ventilator requirements.These were both double blinded trials with the control group receiving placebo injections ; hence reductions in ventilator requirements can not be explained by the investigator 's knowledge of treatment .
21 The actions of terrorists in Northern Ireland can not be dignified with the description ’ military conflict ’ .
22 The ‘ sight ’ episode of Supersense ( the sequel of which , Lifesense , begins this month on BBC1 ) had a four-eyed fish whose eyes are divided so it can simultaneously watch above the water for predators and below the water for prey ; the woodcock which has developed 360 degree ‘ wraparound ’ vision ; bees which see colours in flowers man can not and a map of the sky from which to navigate .
23 An extra allowance for tying in new colours on intarsia patterns can also be entered .
24 Extrapolations for drug costs can not be made from the prescribing unit because of the age and sex related differences in costs per item that we have shown .
25 The following approximations for S c can now be used and , remembering that , then Substitution in equation ( 12.29b ) gives a WLF equation where
26 We have argued that for questions of value reason can not achieve this independence .
27 A strictly functionalist Marxist must accordingly believe that problems of state co-ordination can not exist , except in a revolutionary crisis .
28 The alternative ( and now much more common ) free format mode requires separators such as a space or a comma to appear between items of data ; this slows down data entry for a skilled keypuncher but is probably preferable for the non-expert since problems of field misalignment can not occur .
29 Changes of stream course can sometimes be inferred where a meandering parish boundary leaves the present stream it is following but rejoins it further along its course .
30 No purely theoretical studies of world climate can properly achieve their objectives without an adequate base in observational data .
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