Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Put the two cases together and you have something approaching an explanation .
2 But she is continually spotted out in the real world , so to speak , especially in the shops even though she looks nothing like her screen image .
3 I had chosen these subjects specifically because I knew nothing about any of the four disciplines and because , having studied foreign languages at A Level , it seemed natural to develop my linguistic skills .
4 erm where I am assertive it 's where I 'm working to a rule book I know those rules backwards and I want somebody to follow those to the letter
5 It has taken a lot of chef 's skills away but it speeds everything up .
6 ‘ Thirty feet away and you saw nothing ? ’
7 because it is becoming increasingly difficult to be nice to the Conservatives particularly when you produce something like this
8 Amends were made when the same combination sent Stewart back soon afterwards , and poor Atherton 's comeback lasted three balls only as he touched one which went across him .
9 I mean I think I 've already resigned myself to the fact that I 'm going to have to do one maybe two years more before I get anything like
10 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
11 It seemed much easier to sit and do nothing , to pretend that he did n't exist , to empty your mind of feelings so that you felt nothing , nothing at all … .
12 We move in seven hours ago and you expect everything to be in order . ’
13 And er the spoolers think they 're better than us , cos they get higher pay than us , they think it 's er they 're more skilled , it takes them to longer to train to do the job seemingly but they could n't , we have to sort their repairs again if they do anything wrong it 's us that have
14 ‘ Use mine , ’ Piper said , pulling Miles away before he said something she might regret .
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