Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [pron] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 and he 'd been away for three months so that you know I mean
2 I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised , her action in not leaving a note seeming poor thanks now that she knew he had only been trying to protect her from himself when he 'd called her clinging .
3 I had chosen these subjects specifically because I knew nothing about any of the four disciplines and because , having studied foreign languages at A Level , it seemed natural to develop my linguistic skills .
4 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
5 ‘ The last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas or have him look forward to my visits simply because he knows I 'll arrive bearing gifts . ’
6 Thing is I did n't like to ask her about her mum because er , did n't think she , she was very quite bad a few years ago when I knew her .
7 Well I used the word to mo er in a report I was writing years ago it was ten years ago and I knew what I meant but I had n't sat down and defined what I meant , perhaps I should have done .
8 Well , I 've spoken about how we remember you but I know you have far more memories of being here those years ago and I know you 're really itching to get up off your seats and go and have a good look round to see where you were stationed and if it 's at all possible to see the huts , the billets or anything where you were .
9 six years ago , seven years ago and you know it 's moved on from there and I made the point , yes it was started in the point a at the level of , there 's a file it 's got information , get on with it !
10 This is why you know , I , I think you should keep di I keep diaries from years ago because I know you do n't like nostalgia , and I do n't , but it 's interesting
11 So I will always remind you of those things even though you know them as a firmly established in the truth .
12 ‘ I try to just get the feelings across that I know he probably felt .
13 ‘ We have been drawing up profiles of potential smugglers so that we know who or what type of people to look for using intelligence sources .
14 I worry about what my neighbours might think , seeing me dumping three or four black bin-liners outside when they know I 'm living alone .
15 She felt she could partially excuse his megalomaniac meddlings in her genes now that she knew he was mentally unstable .
16 London Transport said it would not have dismissed strike leaders even if it knew their identity , for fear of bringing the Underground system to a halt .
17 If we join , we 've got three points now once we know it 's a straight line , three points is enough .
18 They were worlds apart and she knew it as much as he did .
19 ( ii ) after completing your Review ( put your book and notes aside and go through the main points systematically until you know them thoroughly ) .
20 My father made no attempt ever to control his rages even though he knew his condition .
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