Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [v-ing] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Go round the animals rather than walking through a group of them .
2 ‘ Are you still hungry ? ’ he asked softly , sliding his arm along her shoulders again and glancing towards a nearby stall .
3 For example , most scientists are now convinced that the cerebral cortex is parcellated into specialized sub-areas rather than working as a fully integrated system .
4 It is not always easy to balance challenges and skills even when working with a single child on a relatively straightforward task ; for these class teachers working with mixed ability groups in settings where the normal practice was for several different tasks in different curriculum areas to be undertaken simultaneously , an adequate balance between challenges and skills throughout the group had to remain an aspiration rather than an achievement .
5 Valium use , furthermore , focuses on individual malfunctioning : social and economic problems are dealt with in a framework of a medical model of relief of individual distress , alleviating symptoms rather than operating in a social context which may require familial or wider social change .
6 I like the idea of sentenced persons doing something useful for their fellow citizens rather than mouldering inside a prison .
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