Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He intended to build terraces of houses right up to the Head but only the new Park Road was slowly completed , chiefly because of the steep hill .
2 I had put Unidentified Flying Objects right back on the agenda where they belonged , and , from this day forth , the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist was never going to be the same again .
3 Also , because mobility in the pit is so difficult , supervisors can visit the operators only occasionally throughout the shift .
4 Something like these mechanisms must explain how the brain can compute results about distorted contextually determined patterns so fast on the basis of cells which perform hundreds rather than millions of operations per second .
5 Asked to elaborate , she lays out a series of proposals only slightly to the left of the League of Women Voters : universal voter registration , inclusion of minor-party candidates in presidential debates , revival of the Fairness Doctrine for broadcasters , ‘ direct democracy ’ in the form of citizen referendums on national issues like the budget , and an all-encompassing but vaguely articulated ‘ economic democracy ’ .
6 Jezrael clenched her teeth so hard against the torment that her jaws shuddered , but she did n't cry out .
7 They lowered their voices right down to the floor .
8 A beautiful demonstration of the importance of calcium loading in priming RYRs was described in sympathetic ganglion neurons , where the rapid removal of external calcium could prevent the caffeine-induced spikes right up to the onset of the all-or-none phase ( Fig. 4c ) .
9 Instead of blades , it has a unique , smooth round coil which works like waxing , lifting the hairs right out from the root .
10 Reportedly they 're getting 107,000-Xstone performance on monochromes right out of the box with no tweaking and 92,000 Xstones on colour .
11 All , in differing degrees , Joseph noticed , appeared ill-at-ease , looking neither at the governor nor at each other but directing their eyes most frequently towards the floor .
12 Dio Cassius describes the difficulties with which the Romans subdued the ancient Britons , who hid in the marshes ‘ with their heads only out of the water ! ’
13 His cot pulses gently too with a rhythm matched to that of his mother 's average pulse rate during pregnancy .
14 Aquinas is right ; and it is a credit to his genius to have put animals so neatly into a perspective consistent with Wittgenstein 's analysis .
15 ‘ See you , ’ I say and escape to City Road , where an off-licencee is opening and looks up surprised to see an office yuppie ( his definition ) among the line of winoes so early in the morning-o !
16 He searched the throng with his eyes from where we stood a good twenty paces away out in the station .
17 Although these investigators were not specifically concerned with the notion of cerebral asymmetry of function , their finding that bilingual subjects recognised English words more accurately from the right of fixation but Yiddish words ( which are read from right-to-left ) more accurately from the left of fixation ( see also Orbach , 1967 ) sparked off a number of experiments designed to uncover the relationship between visual field asymmetry and a range of procedural and subject variables .
18 But apart from securing revenue growth , the moves also help to lock clients more closely into the group .
19 ‘ I 'm — ’ She looked round to see no one was in earshot , then mumbled the words quickly out of the corner of her mouth as if they were not really her responsibility : , I 'm sorry . ’
20 These were Alexander II 's only real choices , but before he decided between them the notion of tying the provinces more closely to the centre had to be ruled out of court .
21 An interesting insight into the reality of the art market is given by the appearance of Italian names beside the U.S. exporters more traditionally on the list .
22 No matter how efficient the Institution , how quick its response times or how well it is known nothing would be possible without those who raise the funds to keep the RNLI running , and in reporting the reaching of the end of another financial year in an excellent position to plan for our future the Chairman extended his thanks once again to the fund raisers .
23 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
24 It was a freak soundwave reverberation from the thrum of passing cars far below on the loch side .
25 Julian took her companion by the hand , and wormed her way round elbows and between shoulders as far down the street as she could , drawing Brother John after her ; but before she was close enough to the gatehouse to see what was happening there she was brought to a halt , and could move no farther .
26 When he looked up , the tapering masses drawing his eyes aloft even in the dark , he could see the tall tower prolonging its leaping tension towards the stars .
27 Azici is of value to Bosnians now only as a buffer between Sarajevo and Serb siege forces .
28 but they had one about twelve months ago also from the animal rescue , it was a lovely little dog !
29 The 2 friends took up the tandem around 5 months ago especially for the race .
30 Apparently the town grew some centuries ago out of the winter quarters of Ivan Pokhabov who established a post at Irkutsk to collect a fur tax from the Buriats , the fur-trapping natives .
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