Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [pron] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If it 's a bank account where you 've both got to sign before you can draw the money , one dies the other ca n't draw it out because you ca n't have two signatures so it 's tenants in common and it would be split in accordance with whatever the agreed proportions were .
2 for dinner and dinner parties so I 'm sort of frantically trying to cut down , and then , you know , one dinner party and then I put it
3 If equality before the law is to be an equality of voices then there are issues about formal procedures and the extent to which these are accessible to all .
4 To make comparisons easy there are works by the more famous artists in the Impressionistic field , Renoir , Dufy , Cézanne , Gauguin and Manet , together with later ‘ modern works ’ by Picasso and Matisse .
5 Three days later it was time for the state visit of President Mobutu of Zaire .
6 Some weeks later there were headlines in the newspapers saying that I threatened to resign .
7 A few years later there were proposals for a National Curriculum in England and Wales under the law — a law which would provide , according to the government , ‘ a framework not a straitjacket ’ .
8 Five hundred million years ago there was life in the sea but none on the land .
9 Until nine years ago he was heir to one of the biggest private fortunes in America , comfortably in step with the Gettys , Basses and Mellons , but had to ask for enough money to buy a house .
10 Dear friends now we are children of God and what we will be has not yet been made known .
11 A few seconds later there were shouts from the hill opposite , from the top .
12 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
13 From working-class childhoods certainly there are memories of farm holidays , or travelling from Liverpool to Sheffield to see grandparents — but they are unusual .
14 Erm by insuring that direct line , and that we have training facilities here which are part of the social contract , and that we have er investment , through regional investment , in this particular area , then we can create jobs that suit the skills that we 've er made available to the general population , and that we got through that rail link a direct line access to all the markets within Europe , which is going to expand , er not withstanding my objections , from the twelve to the sixteen and right the way through to Russia .
15 So you did n't actually buy the tyres then you were sort of an overseer
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