Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A good hash function will distribute values uniformly throughout a waiting array ( used for access ) called the hash table .
2 To promote OTC products successfully through the high street chains nowadays , you have to have a substantial turnover ( £10–15m or so ) to be able to afford the TV advertising .
3 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
4 The horse can move its lower jaw from side to side when eating , and the jaw muscles drag the lower teeth inward in a grinding motion .
5 Let's see if England can win four Triple Crowns in a row and win six Five Nations titles outright in the next decade .
6 It handles all products right through the whole chain from hydrogen cyanide to ‘ Perspex ’ and ‘ Diakon ’ plastics and newer added-value materials such as ‘ Asterite ’ and ‘ Avron ’ .
7 Creative and productive thinking was taking place in many authorities right across the political spectrum , while the relationship between councillors , officials and the public was changing .
8 Despite the horrors he 'd seen , and the fierceness of his revulsion , some small part of him retained the fascination that had drawn him , Godolphin and their fellow experimenters together in the first place .
9 But the almost perverse acceptance of this backwardness began to wilt before the spirit of improvement which gripped much of English society after mid-century , although Sussex gave up its secrets only with a hard battle .
10 Is the Minister aware that when the Unionist party governed Northern Ireland it concentrated heavily on developing the roads only in the eastern part of Northern Ireland ?
11 And — oh , she also wanted — no , desired — to stroke his smiling face , to run the tips of her fingers gently along the dreadful scar to show that she loved every part of him , to …
12 The Special Advisory Board for the Army Medical Service had laid down as a basis for treatment ‘ a more or less continuous course of mercury by mouth for 1½ to 2 years ’ combined with mercurial ointment rubbed into the skin for 20 to 30 minutes daily over a six-week period .
13 Clifford has now brought a collection of his aphorisms together in a little book entitled ‘ One Hundred Aphorisms ’ .
14 Ten minutes deeper into the beige-carpeted maze brings me to nothing .
15 This can be done by making the new range of computers architecturally similar to earlier models , and by making improvements only in the technological implementation of this architecture ; alternatively we can use microprogrammed emulation , as discussed in 3.6 .
16 He shrugged the shirt off , flung it to the floor , unfastened the waist of the immaculate beige trousers , disposed of the rest of his clothes with a cool composure which sent tiny shivers all over the heated surface of her body .
17 Giving the drugs four times daily in the triple therapy group might have further improved the treatment results .
18 This status window shows the currently selected brush type and its width in pixels together with the selected Ink and Paper colours .
19 ’ Killer Bombs ’ The sirns waled , The sirne ecoed through the streets as the planes ( zoomed ) across the sky Droaned there was a quick burst of ack Ack fire Then a whistling of Bombs all around Suddenly here was silence Then a rumble , Then a boom getting louder like a volcano The sky filled smoke and flames Black Bright orange leeping through the air across the sky in the middle of the noise a child 's crying Then the shouting of people trapped in the rubble House in flames all around The loud ringing of fire engines rushing to the fire More and more voices ( shouting ) for help screaming Body lieing all around .
20 There are high class schooling facilities for children of all age groups together with a wide range of recreational amenities available including Moseley Private park on to which the property leads directly , Moseley Rugby Football Club , Edgbaston County Cricket Ground , Moseley Golf Club , Cannon Hill Park and the Midland Art Centre .
21 There are schools for children of all age groups together with a wide range of recreational amenities including , Moseley Private Park , Moseley Golf Club , Edgbaston County Cricket Ground , Moseley Rugby Football Club , Cannon Hill Park and the Midland Art Centre .
22 There are schools for children of age groups together with a wide range of recreational amenities available .
23 These situations point to two needs : firstly for a greater awareness and concern for a variety in learning groups together with a greater knowledge of what an individual learner can and can not understand , and secondly , for a degree of controlled flexibility in design and application of plans and materials for learning .
24 Persecution had also brought many of the dissenting groups together in a greater unity than they had experienced before the troubles began .
25 The vicar had two sons much about the same age as my brother and myself , so we were often invited into the vicarage to play .
26 From collections of legal formulae we know something about the local archives of a city , in which wills and other actions were registered , and we find various officials , the defensor , curator , magister militum and other members of the local curia being called upon to open the archives for the registration of new grants , but we have Formularies only from a small number of civitates , and their contents are not often datable , except to the period before the ninth century , when most of them were written down .
27 A slow but unstoppable flood of sticky tubules pours out of the anus , fastening your fingers together in an adhesive tangle of threads .
28 Helen got away for one day and they spent nine hours together in the open air .
29 The importance of this love and its physical demonstration is acknowledged in ceremonies and rituals all over the Indian sub-continent .
30 Fees in general were listed under land , in some cases perhaps for no better reason than that they were annual income .
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