Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] had been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The motif of the yoke was originally the emblem of Isabella of Castile , Mariana 's distant predecessor , who had been responsible for sending Columbus on his first transatlantic voyage in 1492 ; in other words she had been responsible for initiating the whole colonial process ( Fig. 12 ) .
2 At the same time she could n't help but wonder about the fact that in the space of twelve months he had been involved in three relationships , Anna Wallace , Amanda Knatchbull and herself , any one of which could have ended in marriage .
3 It had felt like a game of hide-and-seek , and Shiona , though at times she had been terrified of losing him , had thoroughly enjoyed the drive .
4 For seven or eight years I had been aware of a growing numbness , first in the muscles of my right leg and later in those of my left , for which no doctor or specialist could find any adequate explanation .
5 For thirty-six years she had been convenient for this purpose .
6 For years it had been evident to him that the phrenological system was sound and he had been tormented by his inability to demonstrate it to people who , like the Collector , were inclined to scoff .
7 An expert on explosives he had been responsible for the design and building of this 4½ tons charge .
8 Unlike the more southern fulmars I had been used to seeing , which are mainly white with grey backs , these northern birds were nearly all a dark smoky grey .
9 With pensions we had been open about holding an inquiry .
10 As Poles they had been subject to St Petersburg 's longstanding attempts to interfere in relations between Polish nobles and non-Polish peasants .
11 A group of evangelical youth organisations wanted to find a way to send 18–23 year olds they had been involved in discipling to put their faith to work .
12 As two young married couples they had been close for a time when they lived near Stoke , although Carole had not got on at all well with Amaranth .
13 Women he had been close to . ’
14 His restlessness was deep rooted , ever since he had passed the two boys he had been aware of a more profound , a more stark malaise in his condition .
15 He told Barking magistrates he had been unaware of the problem because he had been away ill .
16 Indeed during the Second World War a British officer of some distinction , Fitzroy Maclean , had actually arrested Zahedi on grounds he had been intriguing with German agents .
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