Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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31 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
32 Some people were outstanding and became the deified men and women of the great religions , and their lives can be shown to be relevant to the conception of the Created God .
33 The barbs can be seen to be separate branches lined with polyps .
34 Burrough ( 1986 ) suggests that the area of the map covered by lines can be assumed to be an area of uncertainty .
35 In areas of permeable rocks with sub-parallel valleys the terrace fragments on the spurs have breaks of slope both at the back and the front , and , in favourable circumstances , terraces at quite close height intervals can be shown to be distinct from each other .
36 Imported products which failed to meet these standards could be subjected to extra duties providing that : the environmental standards had a scientific base ; the same standards must be applied to all competitive domestic production ; and imported products could be proved to be causing economic damage to competitive domestic industries .
37 These technologies could be said to be neo-Fordist — that is they make use of information technologies but within a framework determined in the Fordist era .
38 Although some of this work may be informed by certain theoretical readings — Irigaray , Cixous , Kristeva , Judith Butler , or some of the work by Italian feminists on the mother-daughter relationship — there is a real sense in which these artists could be said to be producing theory visually .
39 this suggests a recognition that cultural production is itself a form of knowledge or , as Hilary Robinson has put it in a recent issue of WAM ( No49 ) in discussing women 's body art , that artists could be said to be producing theory visually ’ .
40 The hope is that addictive disease of all kinds may be found to be due to a common biochemical dysfunction and that it can therefore be corrected .
41 Power costs may be assumed to be 5.5p per kw/hr .
42 The gyroscopes associated with Artifical Horizons are subject to errors both in turns and during fore-and-aft acceleration , but for all practical purposes may be considered to be unaffected by the normal manoeuvres experienced in airline operations .
43 Factories may be required to be sited at some distance from residential areas in specially designated industrial zones .
44 He believes ‘ That all individuals should be considered to be good , worthwhile and honest until he or she proves to the contrary ’ , It is a sentiment that still today remains his guiding light , and he would add that ‘ All things are possible through God ’ .
45 For this purpose lenders should be considered to be part of the same group if they are parties to the same agreement or course of dealing , even if it is not always the same members of the group who participate in individual financings entered into under that agreement or course of dealing .
46 If the super-organism created by a colony of termites can be compared to an antelope , then the disciplined aggressive columns of the army ants must be reckoned to be the insect equivalent of a beast of prey .
47 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
48 Erm the demonstration effect of failure should also be considered , that is if you fail once you 've undertaken an enterprise , this will affect your other policy objectives too , that is er you will be seen to be weak , your commitment to intervene on behalf of other allies might be seen to be , to have weakened er and , and generally you , you might have done your , your overall foreign policy stance er some , some considerable damage .
49 Mr Thompson said that groups such as the GAA , Masonic lodges , playgroups , golf clubs and many other organisations could be clamouring to be first on the list for the new free service .
50 As such , the hand transcriptions can be considered to be a perfect analysis by the acoustic-phonetic component into a string of phonemic , mixed , or mid units , excluding any representation for word or syllable boundaries and excluding the effects of assimilation across word-boundaries .
51 Water meters can be argued to be fair .
52 In this chapter , however , we are focussing attention on the behaviour when the effect of such departures can be assumed to be slight .
53 Notes : Participants can be expected to be in age range 25–55 , and approximately 75 per cent male .
54 If it could be measured in units related to time , the quantities may be found to be proportional to the distance back in the evolutionary chain to which an individual may revert .
55 But it is not enough to do a good job : our professional conduct committees must be seen to be doing a good job .
56 Strategic development plans are best managed as portfolios , that is , during the development period early successes must be seen to be delivered , thus ensuring a continuous flow of systems products to maintain interest and commitment to the system from all users .
57 Although the students had few problems in discerning a variety of viable strategies for presenting new lexis in such a way that learners might be thought to be able to perceive its meaning without the intervention of English , the areas of structure and discourse proved less tractable .
58 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
59 The general rule with regard to these provisions might be said to be that the settlor will not avoid tax on the income which arises from the capital which he has settled unless he and his wife are excluded from all possible benefit .
60 That is to say , Tolkien 's stories could be said to be an embodiment of that Northernness with which Lewis and Greeves had been in love since early adolescence .
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