Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] not be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the EC authorities should not be over zealous in this matter to the extent of arguing that any territorial division of the EC market , especially the charging of different prices in different countries , is a sign of non-competitive behaviour .
2 ( In practice the meshes need not be of constant size nor need they be of uniform shape . )
3 His brother in law hopes their efforts will not be in vain .
4 Partnerships should challenge the trend ; partnerships should not be about alternative sources of funding for the public education service but about ensuring proper levels of public funding with additional support from the private sector .
5 One of our concerns is that our ex-service men should not be in temporary accommodation .
6 The onus is surely on the proponents of this ‘ rush for roads ’ to prove that those sacrifices will not be in vain .
7 The choice of locations need not be for permanent bases , but can also include dynamic repositioning of units as circumstances dictate ( Kolesar and Walker 1974 ) .
8 This Pro-hib-ition , or whatever they call it , is comin' , you mark my words , or the Tally boys would n't be into other ‘ arrangements ’ , as they say , and lookin' to buy cellars and hidey-holes and places behind walls , if ye follow me .
9 Some mannerisms may not be of great use to the interviewer in assessing your character but they may work against you by being irritating .
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