Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [be] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Exhumed forms may be of any age , although Triassic forms have probably received more attention than any others in this country .
2 Political parties , for example , may not present such an ‘ open face ’ to women ; their agendas may be of less interest to women or women may face more difficulties in fitting in with their timetables and organisation .
3 MITI believes that such exports should be of less concern to advocates of managed trade than consumer goods , because components increase the competitiveness — and therefore the export potential — of the industries that buy them .
4 The ridden horse 's ears may be at half mast indicating that he is relaxed and listening to his rider .
5 Where the rocks exposed in the cliffs are incoherent , pressures produced by the waves may be of less importance and much of the erosion accomplished by the load flung against the cliffs and by the simple swilling action of the waves , which removes the finer matrix from gravel beds .
6 Despite the difficulty of imagining how a behaviour involving the three components outlined in the last paragraph could arise in the first place , I think it is quite possible that the explanation of stable age queues in animals may be of this kind .
7 Too close a contact with leading journalists could be of more benefit to the media than it is to you .
8 Roncraft are producing a range of clear and coloured versions , but I suspect that the clear gloss and satin finishes will be of most interest .
9 Similarly , extensive pastures can be at some distance , since animals can be walked there and kept there for some time by herdsmen .
10 It follows from the foregoing that a condition of the type at issue in the main proceedings , which stipulates that where a vessel is owned or chartered by natural persons they must be of a particular nationality , and where it is owned or chartered by a company the shareholders and directors must be of that nationality , is contrary to article 52 of the E.E.C .
11 In October 1989 a member of the Executive Council , Tony Blake , reported that four oil companies had approached Fullerton seeking oil exploration licences ; he commented that the sale of such licences could be worth several times as much as the revenue from fishing licences .
12 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
13 Detrital grains may be of any size ( from clays to pebbles or larger ) and of varying shape .
14 Now erm some of this films might be of some interest .
15 But even if by some miracle effective protocols are agreed , the momentum of climate change means that whatever action is taken to reduce greenhouse gases will be of more value to generations beyond the mid-century than to those which come before it .
16 On any given strand , the bases can be in any order , but there are rules governing the pairing between the bases on the one strand and those on the other ; adenine always pairs with thymine , and guanine with cytosine .
17 In this context , the linguist 's proclamation of the functional equality of all varieties can be of little help .
18 First , the market is globalised , i.e. issuers and investors may be from any country ( subject to regulation ) , while intermediaries may be from third countries .
19 ( The type and purpose of those structures may be of little importance . )
20 On the other hand , the student 's difficulties may be of another kind : that his reading ability is poor and he has trouble in comprehending the work-card , for instance .
21 And then erm they eggs would be in this incubator for about a week and then they used to arrange coops for them to go out do you see , we used to fence a field below the mansion , , in the field there , because there was a good in enclosure right round the two drives and then there were shelter you see .
22 But he rather doubted , he said , glancing around mordantly , that shamanistic powers would be of any interest to such a gathering .
23 Just how extensive a lord 's rights would be in these circumstances would depend partly upon local custom and partly upon the relative power of lord and vassal .
24 the right sort of order of magnitude of allocation to the new settlement , the remainder of the hundred and forty five hectares would be within that ring on that plan .
25 I wonder if the Archers ' script writers will be at that meeting looking for ideas ?
26 Wiltshire police officers will be at that hearing .
27 It is important to emphasize how varied volcanoes can be in this respect .
28 Hopefully all the details will be in this evening 's newspapers . ’
29 f The past 3 years have made us see how very interested GPs can be with this group .
30 This blurring of the boundaries may be of little consequence to users of the service , but it does have implications for the type of care they receive and which agency remains financially responsible for arranging that care .
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