Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Since most employment rights are dependent upon the possession of a record of continuous service with a single employer , most casual workers would fail to qualify for most of these rights even if they did have dependent employee status .
2 Enterprise democracy differs from this in that ( a ) workers can begin to fight for such an objective in the absence of a socialist government and ( b ) it is by nature impossible for even the most ‘ socialist ’ of governments to develop enterprise democracy ‘ from above ’ .
3 Customers will continue to ask for more — maybe not for higher prices .
4 The number of 18-year-olds will continue to decline for many years to come , so it will require an unprecedented management initiative to offset the effects of staffing levels if services are to be maintained , never mind increased , to meet the aspirations of the current strategic plans .
5 Companies drilling for oil in these regions will have to pay for any environmental damage they cause , and the DOE can stop any drilling that harms wildlife , according to the plan .
6 Because of the slow diffusion rates into and through the stratosphere , even if all emissions of CFCs into the atmosphere ceased , stratospheric concentration of CFCs would continue to increase for several years .
7 But when it became known that someone ostensibly in the top echelon of the regime was no longer seen at the Ceauşescus ' palace at the nightly film shows or for chess , then whatever the victim 's ostensible rank , his own hangers-on would begin to look for another patron .
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