Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] that they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of these articles is that they remind us forcibly of the false dawn which often surrounds new treatments .
2 Whilst it is no doubt true that the heaviness of early Soviet ICBMs and the ‘ dirtiness ’ of their warheads stemmed from crude propulsion and guidance systems , all that matters is that they accomplished what they were designed to .
3 And if some of the material in the book seems occasionally to verge on the utopian , it is worth reminding ourselves that , as Jan Montefiore says in Feminism and Poetry , ‘ the value of utopias is that they enable us to imagine possibilities of difference for the brute contingent world ’ .
4 The advantages of longitudinal studies are that they make it possible to study change over time , though as a series of snapshots rather than as a continuous process .
5 The great thing about families is that they keep your feet firmly on the ground — sometimes more firmly than you 'd like .
6 The value of concepts and cognitive structures is that they enable us to classify events and to make judgments and ( unlike repertoires of behaviours and lists of facts ) enable us to solve new problems .
7 4 One problem with many passages in Eliot 's plays is that they send us to similar but stronger passages in the poetry .
8 The dignifying characteristic of the professions was that they had their own codes of ethics .
9 The thing that worried Nigel most about his son 's affairs was that they made him feel randy .
10 The other aspect of theories is that they enable us to make generalizations .
11 The reason for the excitement in using lasers is that they enable us to study unstable nuclei , which was not previously possible .
12 Perhaps the reason for the comic success of such characters is that they help us to recognise the prejudice which exists in all of us at so many different levels about so many different things .
13 Another potential problem for patients is that they find themselves in the role of information-giver , and it is often information of a very personal nature .
14 The only problem with the guides is that they tell you little of the quality of the goods in the shop .
15 Or ‘ The trouble with self-made men is that they worship their creator . ’
16 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
17 The subtlety of the wrap-around influence of alien presuppositions is that they do their work before they are noticed .
18 The great advantage of such institutions is that they fit you for prison conditions .
19 The proof of the pudding is in the eating , and the proof of people skills is that they make it as likely as possible that we achieve our objectives with people .
20 The trouble with architect-designed houses on estates is that they have nothing like an open fire .
21 Another problem with aggregates is that they hide their constituent elements .
22 Indeed , a recurrent theme among these women was that they felt they had no right to benefit , that they were getting something for nothing , in marked contrast to a wage .
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