Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The organiser of those packages is now to be liable to his customers for your hotel , its facilities , service , standards , etc .
2 Such human resources were soon to be available elsewhere — notably in Japan — but for some decades they guaranteed to Europe and North America a monopoly of technical invention and discovery .
3 From May 6 restrictions on the amount of money Greek travellers to EC countries might take with them were relaxed , as part of a Bank of Greece package of liberalization measures to meet EC guidelines ; Greeks were also to be able to participate as individuals on EC member countries ' stock markets .
4 The suspension of all social security payments was only to be temporary , part of a national effort to restore confidence in the pound .
5 As the subject assessment proceeded it also became clear that the Subject Assessors were there to be supportive — not to look for mistakes , but to help us ’ .
6 As in the Z2 Carbonate , a belt of good porosity might be expected at the edge of the platform where a continuous sequence of oolites is though to be present .
7 If students are really to be involved in their own Learning , then they must feel they do , in part , own it .
8 His motive was probably connected with the part of the text which says that the estates of Christ Church and other Kentish churches are henceforth to be free of all secular service and royal debt .
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