Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [adv] mean to be " in BNC.

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1 The illustrations are not meant to be accurate — for use as maps — but they succeed brilliantly as indicators of the terrain likely to be found on these walks .
2 Religions as sociological entities are not meant to be more than stepping-stones to an appreciation of the profound Mystery at the heart of reality .
3 These definitions are not meant to be academically accurate , but to describe the meanings generally intended .
4 Maxwell Fyfe 's guidelines were never meant to be taken seriously but were merely a piece of bureaucratic window-dressing .
5 ( One of the cruellest ironies of the death camps is that Jews were never meant to be thin . )
6 These sick visits were genuinely meant to be helpful .
7 The quality of our lives is not meant to be static .
8 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
9 General SVQs are not meant to be narrowly vocational — although I think the name may not be entirely helpful here .
10 The early efforts are not meant to be marked on promise alone ; yet it is hard not to do that .
11 No-one should argue with the concept of greater efficiency in the BBC , but the reforms are also meant to be about decentralising power to where the creativity resides .
12 Some things were not meant to be revived .
13 Nevertheless , such fictions are not meant to be taken literally , for it can be dangerous to indulge the Gothic imagination in ordinary life , as Catherine learns to her cost at Northanger Abbey .
14 Yet in both passages the complaints are clearly meant to be regarded as reprehensible .
15 Such laboratories were not meant to be public places , and the requirements of furnaces and sand-baths and enormous wet-batteries all pointed to the basement as the best place , although without good artificial light the hours of usefulness of basement laboratories was limited .
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