Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Today , in the time of the Emperor Karl Franz , these states are of two distinct kinds : City States and Provinces .
2 Investments are of two major types .
3 N. W. Cusa 's ducks are like attractive wooden decoys .
4 In most peasant communities agricultural operations are of considerable communal significance , and this is likely to be particularly true of wet-rice agriculture where irrigation is the key to survival .
5 The geographical nature of the North-East dictates that the vast majority of North-East based national football reporters gravitate to Newcastle and Sunderland on a daily basis because the clubs are in such close proximity .
6 But while some of these cases are of this simple kind , others are more directly involved with modern market conditions , whether as a form of investment or as a form of prestige advertising .
7 The contours in the CO and CS maps are in 10 linear steps from 1K to 28K and from 0.2K to 1.8K respectively .
8 The visible signs are of two main sorts .
9 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
10 ‘ They are both very important jobs for us , not least because contracts are in these lean times but also because of the calibre of both the clients , ’ said Mr Asquith .
11 These programmes are of two main kinds : the one based with employers offering the most favourable route to jobs ; the other , workshop-based , simulating employment and with implications of unemployability .
12 ‘ I know what you 're saying , ’ said Mo , ‘ but a lot of the people working in those offices are on such low pay they 're on income support themselves . ’
13 Her eyes are like pale blue bathroom tiles .
14 Does the right hon. Gentleman deny that there was an attempt to cover up the fact that many of those units are in serious financial difficulties ?
15 Drivers are in such close proximity to passengers and there is no grille between them as in black cabs .
16 She and the kids are on two council-house waiting lists , and each council has found out about the other , so she is suspended by both of them and now has to fend for herself .
17 The High Street is long and traffic free , many of the shops are in picturesque wooden buildings which line the street , making the whole scene really attractive .
18 Such declarations are of little intrinsic importance but they tell us something of how a politician sees the world and his own place in it .
19 Since these words are of such great antiquity , recorded some three and a half thousand years ago , how are they still relevant today , especially in relation to the inner conflicts of our lives ?
20 Complex words are of two major types : words made from a basic stem word with the addition of an affix , and compound words , which are made of two ( or occasionally more ) independent English words ( e.g. ‘ ice-cream ’ , ‘ armchair ’ ) .
21 It is clear then that speaker variables are of considerable theoretical importance .
22 And when the twelve months are over these young mothers usually go on to DHSS benefits , because they do not want to leave their babies and go to college or on YTS schemes .
23 The data stored and manipulated within a GIS are of two specific kinds .
24 As a great believer in the frequent washing of hair , he believes that today 's shampoos are of such high standard that you can wash your hair daily with any of them if you want .
25 Both these books are by black American women writers , writing about black people , I am going to study these books from the aspect of the main characters ' adolescence and how they overcome the trials they face .
26 Albeit with differing electrical systems , these units were of similar external appearance and brought to the Southern Region for the first time ( other than on the Waterloo & City line and the experimental PEP unit ) sliding-door stock which might ultimately be suitable for one-person operation .
27 Burun 's eyes were like dark featureless pools in his face .
28 This is interesting , because we know that even in the post-exilic period a considerable proportion of the Jews was for all practical purposes polytheistic .
29 The plates are of great sentimental value to Keith Whittam , of Devonshire Road , Middlesbrough .
30 It is , of course , the case that those from relatively advantaged groups are more likely to obtain the socially preferred type of housing , namely owner-occupation , those whose parents are in higher social classes and/or owner-occupiers being more likely to do so .
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