Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] some way " in BNC.

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1 This variation might either be because these forms are tied in some way to a particular kind of context and so are not freely transferable , or because the second context imposes inhibiting conditions which prevent learners from accessing and applying what they know .
2 While we all think that everyone should have unlimited access to public areas , we have to live in the real world and accept that all sports and hobbies are controlled in some way or other .
3 In almost every society we know something about , except perhaps the very simplest , there are individuals who specialize in music or who are regarded as more skilled ; in this respect , notation brings about not a total change but an added stimulus , and even without it , there can develop — as in blues or in British ‘ folk ’ traditions — an idea of particular songs being attached in some way to individuals : ‘ that 's X 's song ’ .
4 It may sound rather fanciful to our western world , but many such ancient ideas are associated in some way with established scientific fact .
5 Mark , aware of the problem , records that the reaction of the chief priests and Scribes was to look for some way to get rid of Jesus , but that they could not do so at that moment because Jesus was popular with the people .
6 For most people their tears are distorted in some way or another , often confused and strangled , not flowing freely .
7 Approximately 800 of Kuwait 's 950 oil wells were damaged in some way by the Iraqi forces , as were the country 's three oil refineries .
8 better knowledge ( because of the database — 18 per cent of new debts were linked in some way to debts already known )
9 As a consequence the research review identifies as a central issue for investigation : ‘ the variety of human interactions in which children are harmed in some way ( physical , emotional , sexual ) , the manner in which these investigations are perceived , and the behaviour which such interactions elicit in both professional and lay people ’ ( Graham et al . ,
10 On the other hand , if two components are to relate in some way to provide a desired function , it must take place in an intersection zone ( which includes touching areas — zones of zero depth or wholly inserted spaces ) .
11 Or maybe the spectrum of smells is perceived in some way similar to our human perception of colour .
12 Any urinary symptoms — pains , discharge , bleeding or deposit in the urine , frequent urging , especially if the urinary symptoms are accompanied by a backache or loin pains which may suggest that the kidneys are affected in some way .
13 I feel the two facts are connected in some way
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