Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] they [vb mod] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The integration of these systems followed gradually , and much later , when man learned to grow and store crops for his now domesticated animals that they might survive winter or drought at home .
2 We have looked at abilities , experience and goals as they might influence behaviour at work .
3 Benjamin 's ‘ party of knaves ’ had re-established themselves in the Tower waiting for spring to dry out the roads so they could travel north .
4 The sudden , sharp increase in cross-Atlantic skiing traffic owes much to the claims of some American resorts that they can guarantee snow cover , even if as much as 75 per cent of it may be man-made .
5 Their parents must lead them away from the nest site to other areas where they can collect food and find hiding places .
6 Some set up agricultural communities where they could take refuge from public contempt for ‘ conchies ’ and convince themselves that their experiments in communal living would , once ‘ the grim period of war is over … be remembered as the forerunner of the new society . ’
7 The Minister knows my views on such matters when they might affect service personnel and families .
8 The homeworkers ' expectations that they would receive work regularly , and their effective inability to refuse consignments of work , meant that their situation was similar to that of the regular casuals in the " O'Kelly case " .
9 The Owens claim the work will take several years and they 'll face noise levels of up to 68 decibles .
10 They receive a substantial annual budget from central government coffers , they may borrow from the national loan fund for commercial purposes and they can make use of the proceeds from land sales .
11 They will apply to fourth and fifth-formers , aimed at providing the pupils with more choice and flexibility during the last two years before they can leave school .
12 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
13 The participant orientation finds expression in citizens ' beliefs that they can influence government at both the national and local level .
14 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
15 They can be placed on all , odd or even pages and they can include time , date and page numbers .
16 Aw , c'm on , it was just like that in Australia not long ago : one of the wire services reports in a condescending way that under local law , the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil recognises only the principle of priority in brand names , so that companies like IBM Corp , Xerox Corp and Sony Corp have had to ‘ buy back ’ their names before they could do business under them in Brazil ; the US is pressing Brazil to change the law to protect internationally recognised brand names — but it is not so long ago that , legend has it , an enterprising travelling Australian spotted that car hire was becoming big business , so when he got home , he registered the names Hertz and Avis , sold the Hertz name back to the company when it wanted to set up in Australia — and then used the cash he got from Hertz to set up the Avis concession in Australia .
17 Members of the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service , staff voluntarily by GPs , are usually the first doctors to arrive at the scene of car accidents where they can give specialist emergency treatment , additional to that provided by ambulance staff .
18 Most companies insist on demonstrable quality management procedures before they will contract work at all .
19 Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income , they may cut student numbers or they may increase income .
20 We need to remember two fundamental points : language seems to be designed primarily for face-to-face interaction ( that is , the canonical situation of utterance ) ; and it is a capability of humans that they can mobilise discourse beyond this canonical situation and operate language free of contextual boundaries .
21 It is compatible with the order-maintenance function of the police that they should have power to regulate both public processions and assemblies , and the 1986 Act refines their powers to do this .
22 A new scheme , known as LEAF , aims to show landowners that they CAN protect wildlife and STILL farm profitably .
23 The assumption that once women had freedom from fear of pregnancy they 'd like men and they 'd like sex , just like that , meant neither sex nor men nor the economics of women 's powerlessness had to change .
24 It found that on average , women expect to be taken out to dinner ten times before they 'll have sex with a man . ’
25 The next day Professor Pearn , who was working in intelligence , came in to warn me that the Japs were breaking through from Taung-gyi and that it was only a matter of hours before they would reach Maymyo .
26 Eating disorder symptoms can produce positive feedback in psychological and family systems or they can preserve equilibrium in either of these systems by deflecting away from other difficult areas .
27 Mrs Amelia Bloomer , an American , whose eponymous , bifurcated undergarment was considered revolutionary in the early part of the last century , was passionately concerned with showing women that they could combine beauty with utility .
28 The council has only ten land agents and they must formulate management agreements for any of the 3800 SSSIs in Britain .
29 Many do not successfully complete this journey as anemones are often a limited resource on the reef and most of the fry are eaten by predators before they can reach protection .
30 The hijackers gave themselves up after receiving assurances that they could seek asylum elsewhere .
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