Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] he [is] [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The images that he 's going to use come to life .
2 In view of the serious situation that my right hon. Friend has outlined and the excellent policies that he is introducing to deal with it , can we have a clear assurance that the Government will resist any proposals at the Maastricht discussions to transfer immigration control to Brussels or the European Economic Community ?
3 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
4 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
5 As to the Secretary of State 's personal statement , as he knows , we do not always agree about everything , but we very much appreciate the efforts that he is making to bring everybody around the table .
6 ‘ And anyway , ’ whispered another voice , and one that was rather more matter-of-fact because it was her own , ‘ there 's a young eagle out there called Creggan who needs to know a few things if he 's going to survive and be free . ’
7 But Don 's involvement goes still further , not only is he helping the orphans but he 's trying to regenerate agriculture in the region .
8 In the ‘ rational ’ decision-making model , the policy-maker first specifies the objectives that he is trying to achieve , second musters all the evidence necessary for an analysis of alternative ways of achieving these objectives and , third , chooses the most cost-effective means of achieving these objectives .
9 So so we know roughly going up to get and make some stars and he 's going to put chains and like all round these stars .
10 He has suffered terrible injuries and he 's going to need a lot of help and care for the future . )
11 He 's a developer in those parts and he 's trying to get his finger in the pie . ’
12 " King Darzin , " he sniffled , " that wicked thief El-ahrairah , has said he will steal your lettuces and he is coming to trick you and get into the garden . "
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