Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] you [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mention his name to these pre-war survivors and you hear a sound like soup sucked through clenched teeth .
2 And er what , four the rest I think it was one pound five a Twenty five shillings every three months and you got a sovereign and often a five shilling piece .
3 The Eurythmics song finishes and you put a foot on the ghetto-blaster 's power cable and drag it smartly across the bathroom tiles , pulling the lead from the back of the machine .
4 Stephanie had miscellaneous pieces of kitchen equipment and bedlinen : not a book : although Frederica had all books if you included a book token from Mrs Orton .
5 But you can find out a great deal on your initial farm walk , and much more in the weeks and months before you sign a contract or bid at auction .
6 Okay can be used for important matters where you need a copy or a record of what 's been done .
7 In some countries if you miss a chance to fly it may be weeks before the weather allows you another opportunity .
8 Swimming is regarded as one of the best all-round forms of exercise , but a survey by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers shows you could be at risk from stomach upsets and skin rashes if you take a dip in dirty public swimming pools .
9 From London you can be putting your boots on at the Bloody Bridge car park in less than three hours if you have a mind to .
10 Right , let's , this is hypothetical so it is it 's the first thing that comes to my head but it may I would n't take it as s take groups , for example , you just got the handout on groups and you get a question coming up that might say erm , I do n't know , how could groups how could a w what does our understanding of groups owe to speech therapy ?
11 which is not a very , but what I 'm saying to Graham is if we do it on a slip road like , cos , cos I 've never done one before , if you , you 'd have to have warning signs if you got a census on the slip coming off
12 If you 're with er National Westminster erm y y y y you , you , you know about these , these , these cash tills that you put a card in and
13 He er , Hugh and I used to come up every day do what we could , you see , in those days if you had a stroke you had to lay there till you died .
14 Well hire a car , cos it 's a lovely island and you , you never find these places unless you have a car to , sort of go around .
15 Now we will pay your commissions providing you do a couple of this for us .
16 Well it was a question in those days whether you got a bay window or a flat window I mean erm the houses down Street are better quality I suppose really er all property around there is rented , I mean no one bought the houses at all not even up , I mean they were all rented houses .
17 Not everyone suits the same kind of photographic style , and it may take several tries before you find a picture that eventually gets you noticed .
18 Inability to work , permanent disability , it accelerates permanent disability because ninety five percent of the conditions that cause the disability will pay out years before you have a disability .
19 Where do you close off the possibilities when you write a script ?
20 But I mean as any adoptive parent here will tell you , the strains when you adopt a child , or adopt children , very disturbed children are much worse !
21 So easy to relax and forget your troubles when you had a glass of their malt in your hand … .
22 Directors of limited companies are not personally liable for their companies ' debts unless you get a guarantee from them .
23 You can track down the words of songwriters from books of librettos , record sleeves , or by playing their records or cassettes if you have a lot of time to spare .
24 He has written a scientific paper in the journal of the Royal Society of Medicine that says you are likely to have significant long-term reductions in minor health problems if you acquire a dog .
25 If you 're doing out a lounge you 're maybe talking about seven or eight hundred pounds if you want a top , top of the range carpet .
26 He gets the goods and you get a debt owing to you .
27 Picture this in three dimensions and you have a silicate network striated by layers of modifying oxide .
29 Add to this a particularly dodgy multiload for a mere three levels and you have a product to haunt any gamesplayer .
30 There are , of course , many weather conditions between the two extremes when you have a chance of catching bream .
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