Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] it is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
2 Having been synthesized it has to be transported to the part of the cell in which it is required ; there it will remain for its lifetime of hours , weeks or months until it is due for renewal , when it is pulled out of place in the cell and broken down by enzymes as quickly as it was previously synthesized , its building blocks ( the amino acids ) being recycled in the synthesis of other proteins .
3 Milan is full of excellent coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him , her or them .
4 ‘ A man may deposit on his land excrement which is foul smelling and a nuisance , but it may be that the evil effects wear off in twenty-four to forty-eight hours so it is difficult for a local authority to serve an abatement notice and prove that the nuisance was still in existence when service was made , whereas now , once the deposit is made and is indeed a statutory nuisance , then the statutory nuisance has occurred , and if the local authority are satisfied it will occur again they may serve a prohibition notice ’ .
5 Today children are meeting and playing with children of other faiths so it is important for them to have some understanding and knowledge of each other 's traditions .
6 Macaulay Culkin is a 12-year-old , 4ft 6in licence to print money and Home Alone 2 : Lost In New York is set to pull in more folding bills than it is possible for the human mind to contemplate .
7 There is no preference in the law between an adult or a child in the use of the available seat belts but it is safer for the adult to be restrained .
8 The US government has been told by congressional investigators that it is responsible for cleaning up possibly hundreds of thousands of publicly-owned environmentally hazardous sites , at a cost of billions of dollars .
9 ‘ It is good for the passengers to have a choice of airlines and it is good for the airlines themselves to have to respond and innovate .
10 Trade unions run extensive negotiating sessions for their full time officials and it is sensible for managers to gain a familiarity with the subject .
11 This means that in some areas water from the mains may have to be treated chemically to neutralize the additives before it is safe for fish .
12 He needs to persuade foreigners that it is safe for them to lend the best part of £1000 million a week to the Treasury ; and he needs to persuade Britons that it is safe for them to start spending their money again .
13 It is because of those reforms that it is right for us to be sceptical about some of the claims that the right hon. Gentleman has made today .
14 They need those decision structures because it is impossible for them to know enough to control activities directly .
15 It is a fact that exercise is of general benefit to people of all ages because it is necessary for the optimum function , structure and preservation of muscles , bones , joints , and the heart .
16 Because they are obviously scared of needles and it is hard for their parents , having to inject them .
17 It is difficult to understand the politics within some controlling bodies without knowing all the details and it is difficult for me to comment .
18 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
19 Clearly this is no place for novices but it is possible for them , if armed with a torch and wearing boots and clothes that do n't matter , to go into one hole and emerge from the other , the two entrance passages converging after fifteen yards of stumbling progress .
20 Darlington council will no longer have to chase individual community charge payers but it is responsible for establishing who , at each address in the town , is liable to pay the Council Tax .
21 Indeed I have my breakfast at dinner-time , somewhere around 11.30 a.m. that 's the time for the main meal of the day in farming circles since it is normal for those who live from the land to rise at first light .
22 Modern houses have so many labour-saving devices that it is difficult for the person at home to have adequate exercise by doing chores , cooking , and looking after a family .
23 ‘ We 've had a run with just two wins in 12 games so it is unusual for us to be disappointed with a point , but I thought we were going to win , ’ said joint Charlton boss Alan Curbishley .
24 But the exact nature of the value-adding processes that it is appropriate for librarians and information scientists to engage in needs to be precisely defined .
25 Boys will seldom be able or wish to preserve the degree of closeness to their mothers that it is open for girls to do .
26 A l neroli is a lot in face creams cos it is good for the skin .
27 The treaty will probably include a clause on ‘ subsidiarity ’ , the principle that the Community should act only on issues where it is inappropriate for decisions to be taken by national governments .
28 The removal of trees constitutes the removal of both biomass and nutrients so it is important for sustainable yield that logging rotations are sufficiently long to allow replenishment .
29 It 's not vital for batsmen to play in championship matches before Tests but it is different for bowlers who have to prove themselves . ’
30 ‘ It shall be the duty of each person who has , to any extent , control of premises to which this Article applies or of the means of access thereto or egress therefrom or of any plant or substance in such premises to take such measures as it is reasonable for a person in his position to take to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the premises , all means of access thereto or egress therefrom available for use by persons using the premises , and any plant or substance in the premises or , as the case may be , provided for use there , is or are safe and without risks to health . ’
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