Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] it [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A Dogs are naturally social animals and it is very important that from birth every puppy learns how to fit in with its own family and other animals it lives with .
2 But I have actually slept top-to-tail when we 've had parties and it 's too late for the lads to go home , now just get into the bed top-to-tail and keep each other warm so that the winter and yeah
3 Now , he 's had it what eighteen months and it 's too small for him .
4 Orc Boyz are powerful enough to be considered core units but it is doubly important to beef them up by including a powerful character .
5 Frith ( 1980 ) has suggested that these good readers attempt to " spell by ear " , in that they rely tao heavily upon the phonological representations of words when it is more appropriate to use orthographic rules with a purely visual spelling check .
6 When disturbed , they make for a crevice or hole where they can jam themselves in so tight with their powerful claws that it is almost impossible to dislodge them .
7 Although Britain has found it difficult historically to slough off its economic past of stop-go , there are considerable signs that it is now prepared to do so .
8 As with foreign service premia , hardship allowances are normally calculated as a percentage of salary — with higher percentages , sometimes 30 per cent or more , applying in areas where it is particularly difficult or unpleasant to live and work .
9 In areas where it is more entrenched , particularly the deeper waters off Cap Ferrat , a submarine will be used .
10 During the use of some programs , eg , PIRATES ( see reference 1 ) , if the pace of the lesson is not controlled , so much information is contained in pupil responses and computer responses that it is almost impossible for the teacher to process it as efficiently as he would like .
11 Many women in their 40s/50s/60s are involved in looking after and nursing ageing parents so it is quite possible that a specified age range of 45 to 65 could also be indirect sex discrimination .
12 Liberals say it is too right-wing ; conservatives that it is too left-wing .
13 New research has shown that UVA causes severe ageing changes in the skin of mice and it is virtually certain that humans get degenerative changes , too , and perhaps acceleration of skin cancers .
14 Lists of these were regularly published in the Philosophical Transactions and it is highly probable that Miller , when he was well established at Chelsea , was involved in the selection of these .
15 How can opposition to reform be contained in other countries if it is so strong in more successful Poland ?
16 There are many interesting walks around the town and on the Dales and it is also possible to take a mini-bus tour from Middleham of the popular areas of Wensleydale and Swaledale , with a local resident acting as guide .
17 The Junior Gaultier collection presents his ideas with more of a sportswear or street feel , more for club-goers and it 's just right for the new designer room we have opened at our branch at 362 Oxford Street in London . ’
18 We have cocopeat in our flowerpots and it is very good , but there is one drawback Geoff did n't mention .
19 It may be that the oleoresins of the dipterocarps have an effect on the bacteria of the fore-stomach of colobines and it is now necessary to study the interaction of these bacteria with fibre and the wide range of tannins , some of which shield protein from degradation in the fore-stomach , or denature them so as to enhance proteolysis .
20 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
21 Welsh Highland Commercial Director David Allan said : ‘ This is very good news for Caernarfon ; it is very good news for narrow-gauge enthusiasts and it is very good news for the Preservation movement as a whole . ’
22 There should be a decent gap between the columns and it is often useful to place a vertical line in the middle of this gap , so physically preventing the eye straying from one to the other .
23 ( ii ) The ‘ 10 minute ’ rule This is a development of the method of introducing a Bill by motion now rarely used in the case of Government Bills and it is extremely rare for legislation to result from its use for Private Members ' Bill purposes .
24 This lets you produce standalone applications for end-users and it 's surprisingly easy to get started with .
25 The disabled face much frustration and discrimination in their lives and it is vitally important that they receive the maximum help through education , careers guidance , training and help with obtaining employment so that at least they have a real chance to find and keep satisfactory work .
26 Inspection of Tei and Owen 's Tables I and 3 reveals that the laterality effect was greater for " same " trials but it is theoretically important to know whether there was any significant interaction between stimulus type and visual hemifield .
27 This is hard enough in our own lives but it is doubly hard in public work where it calls on people devoted to different ideals to work together in mutual acceptance , and that means not just tolerating one another but respecting and understanding what the other is talking about .
28 Mr de Klerk 's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk .
29 Combine these two flaws and there 's often a lack of players on-screen at one time — the scanner does n't help matters as it 's too small to be of any use .
30 That is a trap which people get into with acts and it is very dangerous for both sides .
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