Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] i [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
2 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
3 ‘ Is that a promise , Chris , or will I have to wait another six months before I bump into you — literally ? ’
4 ‘ I just looked at my books when I felt like it .
5 It would probably add to the complications in my life but it would probably lessen the hours that I have on my own , though God knows , I do n't do too badly .
6 Of her time at Somerville Sue comments : ‘ I 'm afraid I got far more from my extra-curricular activities than I did from my studies ’ .
7 ‘ It is n't just long steady runs — in fact I did n't do any more plodding about before Twin Cities than I do for my 10,000m training .
8 Erm , I pressed yes for having liking my own body , and I do , erm but I also like the slight improvements that I make on it like erm my hair
9 I sent you the articles that I had in my scrapbook from Colesfield on October tenth , I am looking now at the ones from Gdynia , Poland , on October ninth and its headlines Port Libs hit Poland and Prussia with vast damage caused by wrecker raid on four targets deep in the East , Gdynia , Danzig , German plane plants are blasting great weekend blitz , Bremen and Hanover get it again .
10 One of the things that does , I 'm not being Chairman , just asking questions , but one of the things that slightly concerns me because I know that in his document the director has put about providing day care type facilities in rural areas and I remember at our last meeting , the last meeting at one , we discussed specifically and area , erm it does , does worry me a little whether the absence of any capital expenditure on our part means that we may be providing day care facilities in some areas but it 'll be of a very much lower quality or a lesser quality than we may be providing anywhere else in the areas like and and .
11 I had already seen a couple of ringed seals , several eider duck , many Arctic terns and kittiwakes and a few scruffy immature glaucous gulls before I crept into my bunk to sleep .
12 I hope they will never feel as frustrated with their parents as I felt with mine .
13 And now I 've given way to my emotions when I swore to my father I never would .
14 The writers ate a late dinner at three separate , long tables in the hotel dining room ; the Russians and I conversed among ourselves , feeling vaguely ostracised .
15 I 'm Nick and I 'm the development director for Moat , responsible for all of our new development activities and I have with me tonight Sally our assistant development manager for Essex , who 'll be responsible for this project and also two of our consultants dealing with the scheme , Alan from Anglian Design who are acting as architects on the scheme and Howard from Space , who have been acting as our employer 's agent and consultant and will administer the building contract for , for all the phases of this , this project .
16 Nowadays we live in less saintly times and I long for someone to help me with my ironing .
17 Yes , I hope he is , she 's apparently , she 's erm a designer and the girl that makes it she designs the latest beautiful hats and I thought to myself if they 're those tall , biggest , you know those tall sort of round sort of like bowler hats ,
18 The boy was back in three days and I knew by his face he had momentous news .
19 I mean I er er I mean I just do n't know how you , you begin and end with this actually I mean I really do n't and I mean I think quite frankly if Hydro Electric were to go out and say okay , we will fund the purchase of twenty houses four bedrooms each for the homeless right I would have thought in terms of doing something I mean I walk round Princes Street and I see those poor sods and I say to myself
20 I entirely understand the strong feelings of the hon. Gentleman 's constituents and I sympathise with them .
21 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
22 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
23 Er I myself and many others were here for two and a half years and I submit to you that this is a considerable portion of one 's adult lifetime and consequently , the experiences of the last three days have been very meaningful and very moving to those of us who did spend such a portion of our lives here in this place .
24 The English pigeon devouring the remains of the couscous , without a pause , immersing its whole beak and head in the grains while I smiled at it , saying : ‘ You seem to like couscous from a packet .
25 The agency have agreed to pay me a retainer for a couple of weeks while I think about what I 'd like to do next . ’
26 He was so strong a character — and he meant so much to me — that although it 's many many years since I worked with him , he was in a way always there — it has been a strength in reserve — that there was Basil if you needed him .
27 I finger the necklace often these days as I think of my many friends in that country .
28 So we 've been down there a few times but I said to you did n't I ?
29 I do not mean it in any ideological sense or historical sense or to be provocative but it 's very , it 's with very deep feelings that I speak to you today because you may not understand it but for me , after thirty three years in exile I was able to return to South Africa in nineteen ninety one and one of the first activities to which I was invited was the annual meeting of Cosatu And so when we say comrades in that sense , and thank you as comrades we mean it as comrades in arms .
30 One of the first things that I noticed in my workplace was that there was an entrenched , hostile division between Black and white colleagues .
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