Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] i [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I closed my eyes and I got a different feeling
2 Ivan 's dictates on balanced tackle were instrumental in my discarding unsuitable ledger rods before I found the right one .
3 I might go out and buy it straight away , I might wait weeks , months before I acquire the particular thing to give to you as a gift , you 've got ta wait on on me giving it to you .
4 I 'm not against the concept of co-opted members and I believe that they could add a useful dimension to any authority 's work , but apart from the obligatory brace of businessmen and I accept the Right Honourable and Noble Viscount Lord Whitelaw 's phrase and I quote powerful reference to a broad approach and new ideas and a fight against crime , but apart from the the brace er , er of such business people , they should surely come from representative sections of those communities which the authorities serve .
5 I have n't been into her bedroom though I saw some chair legs and a pair of shoes as I passed the half-open door .
6 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
7 Well a variety of views and I think the only generalization I can make about weddings is that you ca n't generalize about weddings , some people think they 're wonderful , some people are sceptical , people have done their own er variations on weddings .
8 It was not until I had been in the camp some days that I learnt the full story of the past .
9 ‘ It is necessary for business purposes that I speak the major languages of Europe .
10 I think erm you 've got to say that it is not easy to find people to give the commitment to local government work these days and I think a partial remuneration of the expense that they incur is a very reasonable thing for the public to have to meet .
11 My mother got it wrong when I was six , but her mistake did serve to galvanise me in later years and I became a successful businesswoman , outwardly independent and self-sufficient .
12 Now , I 've been around for a lot of years and I know a bad girl when I see one .
13 That has improved in recent years and I congratulate the local authority and the local schools and colleges on that .
14 ‘ I played football in my younger days till I had a bad injury in my knee which I 'm now suffering from — chronic arthritis .
15 Always getting into scrapes because I trust the wrong ones . ’
16 There has been a Europeanisation of academic life over the past 20 years since I had the good luck to be appointed to Edinburgh 's Regius Chair of Public Law .
17 Ian Snodin , back after four hamstrings and two knee operations , said : ‘ That was my first 90 minutes for two-and-a-half years , and it 's been four years since I played a full match in midfield .
18 Software has improved dramatically in the six years since I bought the old computer and this one is faster and easier to use .
19 I can see this now , yet it was not until nearly ten years after I became a Christian that I finally faced the issue that whatever other influences had been involved in my conversion ( such as my family and friends and the work of God in my life ) there was a sense in which the decision to believe was entirely my responsibility .
20 At this level the subordinate is saying ‘ I 'm helpless to solve my own problems so I need a wise person ( Parent ) like you to solve them for me . ’
21 We proceeded without lights and I did the whole thing by radar with my eyes standing out like organ stops .
22 The general point here and I want to make is that er , these are n't officers ' promises these are the members ' promises and er , erm , we 've got to be careful that er when they 're all drawn together that we are n't making a hostage fortune , erm and so that I think it is very important members take aboard er what is suggested and test them themselves to see that they are realistic , I would also say that er as these promises are being considered by the various committees and I note a considerable variation in standards which will need to be addressed when the promises er , have come back to the Policy Committee , these are particularly in reference to the time required to respond to er , erm complaints etc , it 's no use having the Highways Committee wanting two weeks and incidentally on promise number two erm I think that er any up , somebody else 's point er straight forward wants to be deleted , erm the highways require two weeks to respond er , erm hearts and libraries want a , you know half a day , er and we 've got to get these er erm more or less synchronized I think , and whilst I 'm thinking Chairman on the last page er of the er favourite for , for first for agent authorities , but it does n't give any indication about the contact point and as most of our population live in the agent authorities that the er it needs to be expanded to give the contacts er points for the members of the public .
23 My father died erm sixteen years ago and I was put on to tranquillizers , up until that point I had never needed a drug in my life , and I was put onto tranquillizers and I had a terrible experience !
24 And so quite a big job has been cutting reeds back around the islands and the banks , and also we 've had what they call blooms of blanketweed , not so much recently but , apparently it 's more common with new ponds and I had a tremendous bloom of blanketweed the first year after I made it .
25 After two years I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was better than anything in the university .
26 I saved up these back pages until I had a complete set and my mother sewed them together on her treadle -operated Singer machine .
27 ‘ I wo n't ask you any more questions until I get a proper answer .
28 ‘ I know that people are not going out of their way to create problems but I believe the national side has a great role to play in terms of providing players with status , confidence and a substantially increased market value .
29 The industry still has problems but I sense an increasing willingness for its component parts to work together for the common good .
30 Well , I said the usual pompous things but I had a good laugh when she rang off .
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