Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] have not been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But subjects that experienced a reminder treatment ( unsignalled foot-shocks given in a different apparatus ) between the conditioning trials and the test session showed almost as much conditioned responding as control subjects that had not been pre-exposed to the noise .
2 To what extent are Central European countries that have not been Sovietized ( e.g. Austria and West Germany ) similar or different from those that were ?
3 In other words , I 'd always known the ingredients but had n't been able to put them together .
4 The first time because he had allowed himself to be called away in the middle of things and had n't been able to supervise the men properly .
5 His letter from Houston had been an update , filling in a range of details that had not been capable of being fitted into coded messages to and from Houston in the form of price-lists of market produce .
6 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
7 In nursing libraries a set of film loops of practical procedures can be made available , either for revision or to illustrate procedures that have not been available during a period of ward experience .
8 Mr McGregor still suffers from a reduced function in his arms and has not been able to return to work .
9 And then crossed out ‘ dumb ’ and inserted ‘ sweet ’ because it occurred to her that Mrs Rundle might have known about this affliction from the lawyers but had not been able to find the words to tell the children about it .
10 ‘ My job now is to focus on areas that yield business and pare down initiatives that have not been fruitful .
11 I have always disagreed with those in the black community who , when they have applied for jobs and have not been successful , have blamed it on the colour of their skin .
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