Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] have [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given the horrendous job losses that have been announced this month in the manufacturing sector , are these signs of the success of the Government 's economic policy ?
2 Otherwise , they may find that they have given a huge advantage to their competitors , without benefiting sufficiently from the opportunities that have been made available to them .
3 At three o'clock in the morning of Tuesday 20 May , Frank Foley and Edward Carrington watched a Dornier 217 taxi to a halt between the lines of flares that had been lit ten minutes previously at RAF Lincoln .
4 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax ( p 100 ) .
5 Measures have been announced to increase the benefit to the public from works of art and other objects that have been granted conditional exemption from inheritance tax .
6 Despite contravening almost all the rules that have been thought necessary for providing machine translation the system manages to achieve correct translation in 48% of cases .
7 Er it 's surprising how things come out in wills that have been kept quiet
8 Reality is a virgin whose virtue we all want to believe in , and , at one and the same time , an old whore who we 've all had and had and had again , until our eyes and ears are like genitals that have been rubbed raw .
9 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
10 You will look after the fast buck merchants who are waiting to come in to steal and cheat and to deal in a shoddy , grasping way with bus companies that have been made successful by the local authorities . "
11 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
12 Colin James Rendell FCA of Queen Elizabeth Cottage , Broadtown , Swindon , Wilts having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) ( a ) in that he in Swindon between 19 December 1991 and 18 August 1992 failed to deal properly and promptly with enquiries made of him by solicitors in respect of the taxation affairs of a deceased client ( b ) and in that he in Swindon between 6 July 1992 and 22 July 1992 failed to honour an undertaking to contact solicitors and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) ( c ) in that he in Swindon between 19 December 1991 and 5 May 1992 failed to comply with a direction of the Disciplinary Committee made under Bye-law 83(c) that he obtain advice from the Practice Referrals Service .
13 With many fewer people , ideas that had been considered impossible , such as combinations of major functions , were now implemented successfully .
14 So what I think , that 's another thing about this , I have erm , there 's something about the plainness of design that I like if it 's erm the things that have been done that are erm like Adobe typefaces or Bertol typefaces , that are really beautifully , you know , sandpapered and finished to me are boring and when you get into , if you take a look at the schedule that A T F produce typefaces in it 's not unlike it , I mean the modern equivalent is the Font Bureau do 'em and try to sell 'em .
15 But Paul Ricoeur points out the fact that most such theories are simulations of our internalized grammar of narrative , which is based perforce on narrative structures that have been made common in the past ( 1986:139–40 ) .
16 They had no subsistence plots to fall back on , some tried reviving traditional handicrafts but these could not compete with the manufactured goods that had been made available by the market system .
17 Many of these boats had been supplied to foreign naval powers and had been proved able and fast in all sea conditions .
18 While hand colouring was fully accepted as a compromise , and in fact supplied work to the legions of miniature painters that had been made redundant by the advent of photography , experiments continued to be made all over the world .
19 While hand colouring was fully accepted as a compromise , and in fact supplied work to the legions of miniature painters that had been made redundant by the advent of photography , experiments continued to be made all over the world .
20 The hearth was drifted up with cinders that had been left uncleared when today 's fire was lit .
21 Julia Fentem , scientific liaison officer of the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments ( Frame ) , says that manufacturers have to test new versions of existing products , such as detergents that have been made phosphate-free .
22 Most at risk are shrubs that have been planted this year , and are not yet fully established .
23 Tony Chivers reported that a number of villagers had volunteered to be footpath representatives and had been allocated two paths each , which they had agreed to walk at least twice a year .
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