Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb past] [pron] into the " in BNC.

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1 Then suddenly he thrust his head between his owner 's legs and hoisted him into the trough with a resounding splash !
2 She wiped the filth out of her eyes and pulled herself into the wreckage of the cockpit .
3 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
4 Two other watchers take hold of him , lift him up to remove his shoes and thrust him into the dance .
5 Campion stabbed his finger twice , once at Carson , you , and then towards the road shoulder , over there , and then Sorvino put the Ford across the Mercedes ' bows and slowed him into the side of the road .
6 As fast as the Poles installed them , the local Nazis tore them from their mountings and heaved them into the Radaune canal .
7 And that 's I I had a quick er look through last year 's sales and and laid out in fact I went through item deliveries and worked them into the months
8 He made her a cup of tea while she sorted the washing , closed up the cases and pushed them into the cupboard under the stairs .
9 William took a tack from between his teeth and hammered it into the leather and then picked up a file .
10 Pearl Jam trashed their guitars and threw them into the audience .
11 He hardly waited for their introductions but ushered them into the warm , sweet-smelling room , chattering and asking questions like a magpie .
12 Let It Rock did unbelievably good business Friday night or Saturday morning a lorry would turn up with a delivery of creepers — the very things that enticed me into the shop in the first place .
13 Some of the first of these were made by a pupil of McConnell 's , Allan Jacobson , in Los Angeles , who announced in 1965 that if he trained rats to approach the food dispenser of their cage when a light flashed or a clicking sound was made , then killed the animals , extracted the RNA from their brains and injected it into the gut cavity of untrained animals , these now tended to approach the dispenser when the appropriate stimulus — click or light — was given , even though the dispenser was now empty of food and the animals received no reward .
14 Feeling the cold more than ever in my nakedness , I had , reluctantly , dismantled a poor looking cloth-bound work titled A Victorian Psalter , scrunched up the pages and stuffed them into the spaces around my body .
15 ‘ My pleasure , ’ he murmured , and , lifting her easily into his arms , he carried her up the stairs and lowered her into the middle of the huge old bed .
16 Lifting her bodily from it , he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the cottage .
17 ‘ I gathered it up , ’ he was to say , ‘ I actually scooped up the evil hungering thing in my arms and carried it into the house and laid it down by the fire . ’
18 Luke scooped the fish up from Carey 's arms and threw it into the shallows .
19 Then he picked up the two bags and led her into the terminal .
20 Similar preoccupations dominated the issues that took It into the spring of 1967 .
21 She picked the onions up between cupped hands and dropped them into the frying pan on the cooker .
22 He rattled them between cupped hands and threw them into the dust .
23 In a bid to regain his machine the unemployed roofer climbed to the top of a building , ripped off tiles and threw them into the street , it was alleged .
24 They hurried into the room and bundled me into my clothes and stretchered me into the garden .
25 I was spitting with fear and frustration as I yanked on some clothes and flung myself into the control area .
26 By ten-thirty , Beth had cleared away the breakfast things , washed the dishes and stacked them into the big dresser , wiped down the kitchen table , taken the coconut matting from the floor and hung it over the line outside where she beat every speck of dust from it before replacing it over her freshly scrubbed quarry tiles ; all that done she was now enjoying a cup of tea , before setting about the drawing room .
27 Benjamin and I hid our exasperation , took our cloaks and followed her into the snow-covered grounds .
28 So I got out the original word processor program disks and loaded them into the directory .
29 These were being lowered to the roof-top , where Repo Men guided them on to powered sleds and steered them into the lift .
30 Rain grabbed the doors and thrust herself into the lift .
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