Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] must [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The king is reported as having told the clergy that they must reproach the practice ‘ vehemently and bitterly ’ , and if this did not succeed , he would take further measures .
2 Whenever he spoke to the woman he regretted that he had not stamped his authority and demanded that Gwen should be released from Leconfield and transferred with him , but they had said in Century 's personnel that he must have a secretary who knew the ropes of the Service , and he had acquiesced .
3 It is a golden political rule for Chancellors that they must ensure a pre-election boom and should never waste one post-election .
4 Generally , VAT can not be waived on bad debts and you must pay the revenue even though you have n't been paid yourself .
5 When Poirot tells her that Hastings has remarked that the house looked haunted she assures them that if there is a ghost it must be a friendly one , because she has had three escapes from death in as many days so she must bear a charmed life .
6 It means the whole sale change of forms and colours and it must reduce the range of other colours that we have for other forms , do n't necessarily go into those wallets .
7 It thus does not follow from the inappropriateness of the concession theory in modern conditions that we must accept the normative conclusions of the contract theory .
8 At the same conference , Law warned the Unionists that they must accept the government 's plans to extend the franchise , whatever their personal opinions :
9 Their decisions largely dictate the use of all resources and they must accept the management responsibility which goes with clinical freedom .
10 It is as primitive creatures that we must assess the claims to proper treatment made on behalf of animals .
11 In summary , the assessment of pain in babies and animals is so much more difficult than in adult humans that we must face the likelihood that we often get it wrong .
12 Seeing the couple 's arrival and the manner in which Madeleine was clinging to Harry 's arm as they left the car , he persuaded his friend up to his bedroom on the grounds that he must want a wash and brush-up after the long journey .
13 There were the inevitable assertions that they must raise a great army to defeat the insufferable Edward should he dare set foot on Scottish soil , this earl promising his thousands and the next outdoing him .
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