Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] me [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've always been fond of animals and it interests me to have them about to look at .
2 Now they have aerial wires attached to the masts and they made me think they must intend to use her for some sort of electronic surveillance .
3 With Keith , I fell head over heels in love with him from the first time we met , and I 'd only been going out with him two weeks and he asked me to get engaged .
4 ‘ I told the IFA that if we got to the World Cup finals and they wanted me to stay on I would and if we did not qualify I would stand down , ’ says Bingham .
5 I 'll give you two oranges if you let me take your photo . ’
6 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
7 Everyone loves me for the very things that you want me to cover up !
8 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
9 He brought out a list of thirteen Arab properties that he wanted me to buy and then resell to the Jews .
10 During a run in a Neil Simon play , I struggled with soft lenses but they made me cry constantly — which was unfortunate , as Neil tends to expect laughs .
11 It looks therapeutic in movies but it made me feel worse than ever .
12 I heaped much obscene verbal abuse on various owners to the extent that several begin to leash in their ugly mutts when they saw me coming .
13 to be with my friends although they let me sit with me friends so they 're good really so I 'm hoping that I should be able to get back on a Wednesday because er , that 's the only day really I can go , I go to Barn Mead on a Thursday as a rule you see , but yesterday I had to have a day off to go out , I had an invite out
14 I asked him about the girls and he told me to offer them drinks , talk to them , spend 1,000 francs on them , and I would be away .
15 Her first commission came about quite casually : ‘ My husband and I had gone to stay with friends and they asked me to do a charcoal drawing of their Dachshund , Rosy .
16 I 've seen the Fire guys and they told me to ask for an Inspector Ball .
17 Total costs will be in the region of £2,000 — I 'll get firm quotes when you let me know if these specs are OK
18 Is there any ones that you want me to pin point at all or
19 So I usually leave a er sheet of paper on the table and if you 're , if you 're interested in getting a free brochure what I shall do at the end of the course is to send this off er together with one of the cards that they let me have and er in due time you 'll get a free Saga magazine .
20 They 'd put her into a side ward and removed the mirrors and she asked me to peek under the cloth and tell her what she looked like .
21 I 've got some pills but they make me feel like a rag in the mornings .
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