Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You may have noticed that I have not suggested any intensive practice specifically on vowels or their different combinations into diphthongs .
2 AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their authorised signatories on the date first mentioned above .
3 AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their authorised signatories on the date first mentioned above .
4 One solution is to integrate roses in mixed borders where their bare appearance in winter and early spring is disguised by adjacent shrubs .
5 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
6 They get it into their heads that their fund-raising dinner for Hypothermic Pensioners In High Rise Blocks In Portsmouth will fall apart at the seams if Dillie Keane is n't there .
7 Her father , Paul Phipps , was an architect , also of American parentage , who influenced his daughter 's love of music and the arts and her abiding faith in the Church of Christian Science .
8 What is the significance of changes in these boundaries for the training of members of these two professions , their relative attractiveness to potential recruits and their long-term standing in society ?
9 They could be at Buck House or , even worse , at Balmoral but she wanted to take the kids and her bald boyfriend to St Tropez .
10 Contemporary popular music , in fact , with its fine tuning of genre mutations and blurrings and its rapid responsiveness to demographics , might be a more productive place than popular cinema from which to start thinking about the processes of television genre .
11 Racial prejudice , laid bare in 1987 in attacks on the integrity of Labour 's black candidates and their alleged attachment to ‘ loony left ’ policies , dogged the 1992 campaign through subtle manipulation of the immigration issue .
12 Ethanol induced lysosomal fragility may permit release of lysosomal proteases and their subsequent contact with digestive enzymes , thereby predisposing the pancreas to autodigestion .
13 From what I could see of him — mostly his spectacles and his left arm around the door jamb — he appeared to be wearing a red silk kimono .
14 There must be more of these warrens and their associated structures in the landscape and they represent interesting early aspects of pasture land use .
15 It is also the intention to match the expectations of the parties and their legal advisers against eventual outcome .
16 Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its confrontational tactics and its implacable opposition to abortion under all circumstances .
17 The poor weather , with many fog patches restricting visibility to less than two miles , prevented the warships and their respective convoys from being discovered , although another ‘ snooper ’ , this time a Ju88 from 1(F)/121 was intercepted by a pair of Fulmars from ‘ Formidable 's ’ 806 Squadron flown by Lts .
18 For example , a just procedure may well require considerable complexity , but if it is stable over time , resources can be invested in making the procedure more transparent through better presentation of the justification for a formula and of the import of complex formulae and their inherent uncertainties in cash terms .
19 The future of teacher education in the polytechnics is uncertain and much will depend on national decisions concerning the size of the teacher training machinery , made by the DES on or against the advice of the Advisory Committee on the Supply and Education of Teachers , as well as local decisions concerning staff and resources made by the polytechnics and their local authorities in their search for economies .
20 Some of these relate to its heritage — its traditional concern for rigorous academic study of socially-relevant subjects and its traditional mission to the educationally-underprivileged .
21 ‘ For your lordship 's letter , duly come to hand , I send you my thanks and my grateful sense of your lordship 's kindness and good feeling towards me .
22 In the U S we continued with our expansion by opening sixteen shops and our bridal wear in America was a market leader .
23 Then it 's up the M90 , skirting Perth and heading northwards on the A9 with its frustrating mix of dual and single carriageways and its dire-warning signs about unmarked police cars before the fun begins at Dalwhinnie .
24 His one-night stands and his expansive appetite for fun in the night clubs of Los Angeles , New York and London have been charted in the gossip columns for two decades .
25 And , if you have a Barclays current account , you can experience at once the convenience of having both your savings and your current account under the same roof .
26 Within a few months these hopes were dashed when a majority of the Manchester committee insisted on recognising an American evangelical , the Rev. Fred Hemming , as an official agent to raise money for the anti-Garrisonian abolitionists in America although he only had the general support of Lewis Tappan and apparently regarded the Garrisonians and their British sympathisers as ‘ infidel abolitionists ’ .
27 Does my right hon. Friend accept that , through his energy and skill , he has now given a powerful send-off to the new United Nations and its new Secretary-General in the very complex and difficult tasks that we expect the UN to have to face in the post-cold-war world ?
28 The official communiqué referred to developments in global financial markets , " especially the decline of the yen against other currencies and its undesirable consequences for the global adjustment process " .
29 He frequently accompanied Rodrigo Moynihan and his wife , Elinor Bellingham Smith , to Soho and , according to Elinor , it was they who introduced him to Wheeler 's in Old Compton Street , the expensive fish restaurant , famous for its oysters and its excellent cooking of fresh seafood , served simply with boiled potatoes and salad and without any form of dessert .
30 He died in the Bridgemans ' house in Teddington , where he made his nuncupative will on or about 27 September 1674 , leaving all his books and his best hat to his brother Philip .
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