Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 According to the Laws of Manu , a vānaprasthin must control his senses , keep his organs in subjection , abandon his belongings , commit his wife to his sons or allow her to accompany him , be chaste , patient , friendly , and compassionate towards all creatures .
2 a ) Heres that book you asked me to bring ( The fact that you asked me to bring it is not new. ) b ) Ive got to take the dog for a walk ( ‘ For a walk ’ is by far the most probable thing to follow ‘ I 've got to take the dog ’ ; if the sentence ended with ‘ to the vet ’ the tonic syllable would probably be ‘ vet ’ . )
3 They are experiencing what women have always known — that the life-sustaining relationships that enable us to grit our teeth and pick our way through the mess made by men , to endure and to survive , are those we share with other women : our mothers , our sisters , our neighbours and friends .
4 They should get off their backsides and let us see what they intend to do about it .
5 I set to work with my little bag of magic potions and do you know what I discovered ? ’
6 The most obvious possibility is to be able to call up a video window on the screen which can deliver a helpline operator 's face and words and enable you to resolve your problem .
7 Put such facts as we have before the Sheriff and the Merchant Venturers and let them sort it out . ’
8 Let me tell you , when those dubbin-lickers at Whaddon go on their knees and beg me to bring my United first team squad to ‘ The Tip ’ to put a few quid in their ailing coffers , I shall take great delight in treading on Ken Mentle 's fingers , provided he survives last week 's heart attack , and raising two toes in a defiant ‘ get lost ’ gesture .
9 She had lost her virginity when she was ten , so she told us , and she was popular with some of the Spanish men who would perch her on their knees and allow her to fondle their private parts as a joke .
10 This month , I have given you 23 small designs and invite you to create your own individual picture .
11 What are the characteristics of stressed syllables that enable us to identify them ?
12 Needless to say voluntary bodies are very nervous about that , because they have difficulty contracting to provide a service when they are totally dependent on unpaid volunteers , and therefore there is reluctance on their part to , to enter into contracts that bind them to provide something where they are uncertain about their ability to do it .
13 She might even be weaving a spell to tangle her feet or make her lose her way in the wood !
14 On a sea of evening light Páll Helgason steers his boat towards the sun , poking it between stacks and through arches , sometimes into gaps that leave me thinking I can touch the rock walls on either side .
15 If abortion is a serious matter , so , too , are the life circumstances that lead us to choose it .
16 ‘ New entrants put pressure on existing companies and make them change their existing practices , ’ he said .
17 They trust me with bunches of keys and let me phone my sister .
18 In the weeks beforehand , Gorbachev took tough action to cow the Lithuanians and force them to rescind their declaration of independence .
19 She believes some people will vote Labour to shake up the Conservatives and make them reconsider their policies .
20 Right current in amps , let's give you two , volts and do you know what we measure resistance in ?
21 I find it impossible to comprehend the scale of this arena , and that afternoon provided a great opportunity to relax in the mountains and let them have their effect on us .
22 Mutual aid groups and health visitors may also be able to support parents and encourage them to foster their child 's independence where it is apparent that a parent is showing extremes of protectiveness towards their child .
23 Inside , liberal use of first-class photographs , imaginative illustrations and visual pages enhance the articles and invite you to read them .
24 If the families believe that they can enjoy their social hours with the territorials , they will support their men and womenfolk and encourage them to maintain their membership of the Territorial Army .
25 ‘ The computers as usual , I suppose , but you 'd better ring my solicitors and ask them to cable you the cash .
26 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
27 Yet now , ’ his look was amicable , ‘ you , Miss Kingsdale , with your haughty manner ’ her haughty manner ? ‘ wish me to at once revoke my plans and allow you to ask me endless work-orientated questions . ’
28 Eventually , he arrived at her side and , exasperated , flung his clubs down the bank and exclaimed crossly : ‘ Here , lady , for God 's sake , let's do a swap ; you have these damned clubs and let me have your fishing rod .
29 If the computer does not understand what you have said it will ask questions , offer alternatives or tell you to rephrase your question and try again .
30 Not poems that make you feel on the edge of space but poems that make you feel you contain space inside yourself .
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