Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb base] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here they spend the next 5 months until the short rains in November when they gradually form columns and head back to the shortgrass plains .
2 The voice seemed to seep through the seams of the farmhouse , echo up the mountains and ripple back around the flowers and empty champagne bottles .
3 In order to help people like Jeff Lockyer , the Oxfordshire money advice project has set up a Debtline which offers people advice on how to control their debts and pay back at a pace they can afford .
4 are now going to look at these figures and come back to the next meeting er with some comments , with regards to their projects .
5 Push the crate left to hit the switch , go down , collect the star and fly up , left and then down , go left , collect the star , fly straight right , then fly up , land on one of the platforms on the side of the wall , jump up and go right on the chair-lifts , go down , right through the wall , climb up the blocks , push the crate down two platforms and go back through the wall , go left , down , right and jump onto the boat , go right , up and left into the tent to complete the game .
6 We stuff the damp ropes into our sacks and walk back to the car , this time on the right path .
7 ‘ Give me all the details and ring back in an hour . ’
8 It was decided that about one thousand was right , three hundred to storm the castle itself and the remainder to seal off the approaches thereto for long enough to allow the raiders to achieve their ends and retire back across the ford , it was to be hoped with Edward Balliol dead or alive .
9 These children may continue on puréed foods for considerable periods of time or even start to reject all solids and revert back to a liquid diet .
10 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
11 These must follow the example of the hands and move back down the board as the wind increases .
12 The first day Emma had escorted Ruth to the gates and come back with a red nose .
13 Weekend Break , September 16–19 , Falcarragh , Donegal Re-establishing paths that date back to the 1730s .
14 Kirk elders were instructed to visit offenders and report back to the Session .
15 Is it possible Geoffrey Hoskin to have some sort of sort out , where people could be encouraged , compensated perhaps to leave their villages and towns and go back to the Republic from which their parents or grandparents originally came ?
16 The view that hooligans actually learn how to behave from the papers and reflect back to the public the image that has been created for them is not really borne out in personal interviews .
17 Taxing the benefit , and introducing tighter medical checks will also , says the Government , force many to find jobs or sign back on the dole .
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