Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [conj] you [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So instead of ringing each other up on the telephone we spoke to each other over the C.B. as you do n't have to pay each time you speak as when you speak on a C.B. your words travel with Radio waves and when you speak on a telephone your words travel down wires .
2 It 's different if the wind 's offshore because then it can be deceptively close into the shore and further out bigger waves and if you get into trouble you 're lost out to sea .
3 ‘ No , my dear , they are concerned with ratings and as you stand by the sink drowned in misery you may console yourself that your loss has been radio 's gain .
4 This timing is vital even on the smallest of waves since if you pump at the bottom of a wave you will not go any faster .
5 A thing that 's really about accents that if you say to somebody , What accent do n't you like ?
6 something else that could be quite actually misleading might sleep , be very sleepy , difficult to wake , so if you 've got the baby and you think your baby 's due for a feed and it did n't take very much at the last feed , you ca n't wake it up you should n't think oh well I 'll have to wait for another four hours , beginning to get worried so if the baby 's difficult to wake if it 's difficult to feed not sucking very well if the baby 's cold to touch and then there 's something which is very , very misleading , these babies can have bright red cheeks and bright red hands and feet and if you look at them you think oh they must be warm because they 're red
7 Er and we are talking about open countryside outside erm rural settlements and if you look at the wider countryside and that includes in my judgement er the pattern of settlement which is where most people actually do live in in the countryside .
8 You pay the deposit immediately in all cases and if you book within 8 weeks of departure , the total cost of your holiday .
9 Er there 's a sense also in which memories may not be an individual phenomenon but may be a collective phenomena and if you listen to families reminiscing about things or people who 've know each-other for a long time reminiscing about things , different people supply different details , they contradict one-another , they erm fill things in , they say no it ca n't have been then because um because that was the Christmas when Uncle Sydney had his kidney stones and um y'know stuff like that .
10 The other exciting thing was the leeches er because the monsoon had n't finished there were lots of leeches around , and I 'd imagined these huge things that were going to suck me to death , but they 're actually little , like , just very very tiny little worms , about erm an inch long and very thin and what they do is they sit on leaves and things and as you walk by they get flicked on to your boots or your socks and then they wiggle their way in and they , you ca n't feel them there , but what they do is they suck your blood until they explode
11 Always check the area you are sailing into to allow for the time when you will be facing battlements but when you crouch in the middle of the boat , do keep an eye on the boom or you 'll end up with a nasty bump on the head .
12 And I learnt from various teachers that when you go to these private schools and they 've been to schools , they hold them back because they like , they do n't like the
13 We are fortunate inbeing able to use the video camera at training weekends and once you have over come the shock of seeing yourself , most students find it a valuable addition to their training .
14 And in the Slovenský Raj the paths go through the steams and when you get to a waterfall , ladders have been built to take you to the top .
15 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
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